Looking To Get An Algae Eater...what Kind?

i just picked up a rubbernose pleco a few days ago. they get about 6 inches long(many years of growing) and are very peaceful. i hardly see mine though, and i think hes still gettin use to the tank. there is an algae build up since taking my common pleco to the store and he needs to get working!!

I have a Rubbernose too (scares the hell out of me), and I've read that they LOVE rocks. I have a bunch of rocks and pots gathering algae in a bin outside, so a few days ago I finally got out one of the bigger rocks and put it in the tank, and my Rubbernose refuses to leave it. None of the other fish (especially the two Bristlenoses I have) are allowed on it. He'll chase them off. I'm seeing him more often than I used to, though he's still pretty skittish about sudden movements (which apparantly is normal for rubbernoses)

yea mine currently resides in a pile of large rocks. i made them so i can see him through the glass anytime i want. he has a giant piece of driftwood (which is also a cave) that he can have but doesnt want it!

i really do like the look of them though, they have a very big sucker
First off, thanks to all who contributed to this post! I appreciate getting everyone's response!

When I bought that BN, it was a fair size, at least 2.5 inches (female). I put her in the tank, and she landed right through the opening in the fake cave and was inside it, motionless for quite a while. The next day I even dropped an algae wafer and hit her right on the nose, but no interest or movement. I noticed once she was attached to the front of the aquarium glass, which was promising. It was I think 2 days later when I checked in the morning and the poor thing was belly up on the bottom! So Im not sure what happened. The LFS said she was in the tank for quiet a while. This shop is the only I have seen that has larger-sized BN. So I was disapointed, to say the least. I had traded in 11 tiger barbs, all in very good health, and they gave me like a $19 store credit, in which case I had bought the BN.

Anyways, the otocinclus what I dont like about that fish is its just too small. The bn gets to be a good size and is more interesting to look at. I might try geting another one again, but it may have to be be from the same lfs, since they tend to be larger.

About adding zuccini, doesnt keeping food in the tank cause it to decompose and isnt bad for the tank? its like having uneaten flake food that decomposes and pollutes the tank. Do they readily feed on aglae wafers? That seems easy to feed. Woud they hold their own against the BA tetras, which are semi-aggressive (but not nearly as bad as those darn tiger barbs!)?

Is floating and drip method to acclimate the BN enough? I ususally float the bag in the tank and every few minutes add water from my tank. 20 min later, I add only the fish to the tank.
For the zuccini, it's generally safe to keep fresh vegetables in the tank overnight. Some people say 24 hours, but I usually pull it out after 12.
I'm also looking for a good algae eater that doesn't get to big.

Do female Bristlenoses have the bristles on their noses?

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