Looking To Get A New Tank.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Rotherham, UK.
Hey, me again. I'm looking, as the title may have told you, for a new tank, specifically one in which to grow plants, I've narrowed it down to two tanks; the Fluval Roma 240 or the Fluval Venezia 190.

Now, this is the thing, the larger 240 has two 40W T-8 bars (one of each 40watt PowerGlo & AquaGlo.), whereas the 190 has two 24W T-5 units.

I'm planning on using substrate fertiliser and a Co2 kit as well, I was just wondering if I'd be better off getting the 190 w/T-5s, as I hear these lights are better for aiding plant growth.

240 - 1.3wpg
190 - 1.2wpg

Giving that they are both big tanks:

240 - 1.5wpg
190 - 2wpg

I would still go with the 240 though, just because of the shape, i prefer flat pnels, bow fronts make the inside all distorted. The 240 is also easier to scape. Unless you want to grow some more deamding plants then go with the 190.

Just my opinion.
I might fo for the 240 then, it's also about eighty pounds cheaper. I won't be growing any particularly specialist plants, just some good-looking basics, hopefully with this new setup I'll have more luck than I have in the past. I never actually thought that the bow-front might distort the insides, although I should have guessed I suppose :p

Just to make sure, these wpg numbers (plus Co2 and under-gravel fertilisers) are sufficient for growing plants well, yes?, or would I perhaps need higher? As said, I'm not looking for demanding plants, mostly low light-level lovers, just don't want to end up with half-assed growth after getting a new tank.

Many thanks. :)

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