Looking To Breed Betta's

For Being Rude Too me! :grr: I am trying too see just a question how many betta's Do You Have?? :) I Am Sorry Too Say But I Am Trying KEep Trying Not Too Hold A Grudge
please re read my posts. i was not rude to anyone.

if that question was aimed it me, i have one female betta.
Oh Cool

[/quote] but you dont even have any bettas yet and already you are handing out advice as if you have been there and done it?

I Call Thi Rude


Well Say Sorry Too Me Too I Said Sorry It Is The Proper Thing Too Do :(
for what?
Froggy, that comment was not rude, it was honest. But seriously... you guys should have your discussion through PM's. I share the feeling that a lot of members rush into spawning, like it's a science experiment or something =(. All you can do is hope that they will learn from their own mistakes.

To the OP, please please research! It might seem like it, but there is so much more to breeding besides the male and the female. What quality is your pair? If they are from a common pet store, they should not spawn. Do you have a 10 gallon tank? A 50 watt heater? Have you conditioned the pair with live/frozen foods? Do you have cultures started for the fry? Do you have 20-50 gallons of grow-outs? Do you have an endless supply of dechlorinator? Do you have 100 jars? LOL, the pair is just the tip of the iceberg!

PLEASE, check out http://www.bettatalk.com and read through the entire spawning section. Also, read through all of the pinned topics about spawning Bettas. I researched for over 1 year before spawning.... it will pretty much change your life! I can't begin to imagine the hours I spent for 4 months cleaning, feeding, changing tanks, and shipping out Bettas!
Darn, what happened to you leaving?

I Never Said My Advice Was Better

No, but you implied it.

And Bye Since You Guys Keep Harasing Me It's Not Very Nice

Who's harrassing who? I see no harrassment. Just good old friendly advice.

I Try Too Get Into Fish Keeping But Then I Run Into u There's No Way I Will Ever Have Betta's Because You Are Acting Like She Is Soo Stuck Up

OK, that makes no sense.... It would help if you talked in proper English. And stopped with the caps on every first letter...

I Saved A Long Time Too Do This So Don't you Dare Tell me What Too Do With My Time And Money

I see nothing saying how you should spend your time and money, I can however think of many a better way for you to spend them :sly:

Well Say Sorry Too Me Too I Said Sorry It Is The Proper Thing Too Do :(

Why should I or indeed, anyone else appologise?
froggy, dont you think you're overreacting a little? :crazy: honestly, and youre asking people to apologise, well, sorry if im wrong but i fail to find the material that they should apologise for
I feel so sorry for the original poster right now, and i wish i had the knowledge and experience to guide him/her in the right direction, but i dont. So i hope somebody comes along to kind of de-hijak this post.

ps. i am not aiming this post at anyone nor am i accusing anyone of hijaking this post.

pps. froggy, please could you make your sentences more understandable and use commas and Dont Do This Because To Be Honest It Makes It Hard To Read And Is Irritating. Doesnt it take you ages to type because it just did with me :look:
I Am Not Rusing I Am Getting Only 6 Betta's Is That Too Much Please Do Not Tell Me What I Am Doing Sorry For My Outburst But I Have Been Fish Keepin For 4 Years And Researching For 1 Month Thanks Anyways
ok first of all i have done 6 month of research and i havent even got my breeding pair yet i have started collecting jars though 1 month is not enough time to be properly prepared oh and by the way good luck finding a better forum i think youll be hard pressed to find one better that the one your currently using
Okay so I got the two most important things. My male betta and my female betta :good: I have read about many different ways on how to breed bettas but I was wondering how any one has done it?

Thanks, Desi

Back on topic. I breed my bettas pretty much like what is recommended on so many betta sites. I first decide whether I'm ready to spend the next year (approximately) basically having no life outside of tending fish, do I have a viable plan (not just a pipedream) of what to do with all those grown babies 'cause I don't intend to keep thousands of bettas, am I ready to deal with shipping (which takes a few hours to get everyone bagged and boxed and down to the shipping office). If all is yes, then I decide which fish I want to breed and begin getting them ready--isolate each fish, twice daily feedings of rich food (defrosted or live) for at least 2 weeks, check them over thoroughly to make sure neither has any fungus/illness/etc. Any fish showing any kind of signs of not being at his/her best gets returned to non-breeding status for now. Then I basically do what the other betta sites suggest. The breeding is the easier part of the whole ordeal--the raising is the hard part and is all consuming, babies easily get fungus and bacterial problems, juvvy males need to be "jarred" before they injure each other or try to breed all their sisters, tanks have to be kept clean, fish all need to be fed. Until the babies are about 4-5 months old, they will absolutely need to be fed twice daily without fail so you can't leave town even overnight unless you have someone to back you up. Unless babies and growing bettas are kept in completely clean and healthy conditions being fed foods they will eat (babies basically only eat live food, at about 3-4 months you can try to start weaning them to tiny baby size betta pellets or small Golden Pearls but babies may not take them and you'll have to increase tank cleanings), they will die fast and it is not at all unusual for beginners to lose their entire spawn.
Whats With The Writing, It Is Very Irritating.....
That's what happens when you try to post a message with caps lock on, I found that out when posting from work; all the work comps usually have on caps lock for a work-related program. When I see posts like that I tend to automatically ignore them, whether they be on this forum or anywhere else.

EDIT: Oh, and breeding is a huge pain in the butt, don't do it unless you don't have a life. Lucky for me, I don't.

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