Looking To Breed Betta's


New Member
May 13, 2006
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Okay so I got the two most important things. My male betta and my female betta :good: I have read about many different ways on how to breed bettas but I was wondering how any one has done it?

Thanks, Desi
I put The Female In The Cute Or Vase And After 1 Day I take The Female Out And They Breed After They Have Put The Eggs In The Bubblenest take the female out and when the fry hatch take the male out Hope This Helps!!
Froggy! :nod:
Well, first of all, you don't seem to have done nearly enough research. If you had, you wouldn't need to ask that :look: . What colours/tailtypes/genetics are/do the bettas have? Do you have room for hundreds of fry, all the males and some females of which need to be individually housed? Do you have the time and money for it? What will you do with the hundreds of fry? And BTW, the most important thing aren't the parents, by a long way.
I Am Not Rusing I Am Getting Only 6 Betta's Is That Too Much Please Do Not Tell Me What I Am Doing Sorry For My Outburst But I Have Been Fish Keepin For 4 Years And Researching For 1 Month Thanks Anyways
I Am Not Rusing I Am Getting Only 6 Betta's Is That Too Much Please Do Not Tell Me What I Am Doing Sorry For My Outburst But I Have Been Fish Keepin For 4 Years And Researching For 1 Month Thanks Anyways

im sorry if ive misunderstood, but you dont even have any bettas yet and already you are handing out advice as if you have been there and done it?

i have long term plans of breeding bettas, but ive read, and understood that it is time consuming, space consuming and money consuming and i may not even be successful. ive read a few other posts of yours and i have to agree it sounds like you are rushing :X

but, hey, its your hobby.

by the way, starting every word with a captial must really slow down your typing, and wear out your shift key :p
Whats With The Writing, It Is Very Irritating.....

I'm sure my feelings are shared with many, you are rushing into things, ounting the fry before their even born, rushing into breeding the bettas just a week or so after you get them... And people always sound so stuck up when they say things like 'I've been keeping fish for four years', that does not make your advice/whatever better than anybody elses.
Fine I Am Leving This Fourm And Going Too Better One Since I Won't Get Harrased There I Do Have A Pair Of Betta's Though I have done much harder SaltWater I Love My Cute Little Dorys Swimming Around
darn... looks like im gonna have to find someone else to harrass... -_-

good luck on your better forums.
I Never Said My Advice Was Better And Bye Since You Guys Keep Harasing Me It's Not Very Nice I Try Too Get Into Fish Keeping But Then I Run Into u There's No Way I Will Ever Have Betta's Because You Are Acting Like She Is Soo Stuck Up I Saved A Long Time Too Do This So Don't you Dare Tell me What Too Do With My Time And Money Thanks And Bye I will miss most of you guys Froggy :)
Let's Not Turn Her Post Into A Fight Guys She Wated Help Not A Fight Sorry Guys If You Are Sorry? :( I Am Sorry Poster Of This C/Froggy
i never knew we were fighting. feeshy and i both agreed you were rushing into things and you seemed to lose it.

though i am having a hard time making sense of your posts, i do apologise to the original poster for the thread hijacking.

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