Hi again Kirsty,
Sorry for you loss
As far as I'm aware guppies and mollies will interbreed ... I was also told that platies and mollies will interbreed but I've had that information corrected here.
If you only have one male guppy it's a good idea to get him at least 2 females otherwise he'll just keep harressing until he stressed them out so much they could die.
Male guppies really are randy little s*ds
Good luck and I hope things sort themselves out soon
Sorry for you loss

As far as I'm aware guppies and mollies will interbreed ... I was also told that platies and mollies will interbreed but I've had that information corrected here.
If you only have one male guppy it's a good idea to get him at least 2 females otherwise he'll just keep harressing until he stressed them out so much they could die.
Male guppies really are randy little s*ds
Good luck and I hope things sort themselves out soon