Looking For A New Test Kit


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
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Hudson, Wisconsin USA
Right now i have a API test kit. Which i know a lot of people like, but it seems the more i use it the more i hate the thing. Now i'm tring to find a new one, are there any you can recommend?
yes the clutter is one thing i don't like about it. I've burned myself with it a few times :X . Even though i use latex gloves when i use it. I also find it really hard to match the water color to some of the cards, (expecally the nitrate card). My tubes also leak when you shake them, it's left marks on my big freezer when a drip excapes and i miss it when i clean up. It eats right through the paint.

So basically i'm looking for something that won't burn me if i get a drop on my hands. Not corrosive, and is a little easier to read to cards :D ? cheers
hi i see what you mean, mine is the leaky tubes :shout: and so far i have only seen them for sell in the usa (replacement tubes) which means its like major postage to get replacement :shout: if only things were easier :nod:
I have to say that I find nearly all the water test kits hard to use, Because I am colour blind.
The only ones I ever really get on with are the tetra ones as they have what I call obvious colour changes, Rather than a graduated scale of the same colour. That will probably make no sense at all to people with proper colour perception.
Over the years I've used Interpet, Hagen, Salifert and API - out of those API is absolutely the best and also best value for money for me. What you dislike about API you will almost without a doubt dislike even more from any other test kit.

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