Look What I Got

AMS -- Great, thanks for that :D. I'd rather not lower his salinity to the point of being able to keep java fern since his comfort is my top priority, but the rest sounds good (albeit pretty much exactly like all my other tanks, lol). I'm definitely going to switch him to sand when I upgrade him, the gravel was just because the current is too strong in that small tank to allow for sand without it getting blown all over the place. Sand is so much easier, all my other tanks have it.

sabby -- Yes!! He ate some bloodworm for me today! :D
You could probably still do java fern at your current SG. Could be worth trying.

Good Luck with the waspfish Synirr!
I know someone that used to keep wasp fish I can ask them for info if you want.She did say they were quite fragile.

Cool looking wee fish though.
That'd be great T, would you? I know the basics, but any specifics or care tips you can find out would be great :good:

He ate like a little piglet today, I'm really excited, he seems to be doing really well. He's soooo much fun to watch, he seems so intelligent and aware of his surroundings. I'd pop a bloodworm in the tank and immediately his little head would cock in the direction of the movement, then he'd zoom up and grab his lunch in the blink of an eye :D. It seems like movement is the key, he's not as interested once the worms stop moving, but as long as the current has them they look tasty enough. He probably gobbled down 8 bloodworms at least (I use Hikari brand, they're a bit smaller), and a brine shrimp or two. His little tummy was bulging a bit, hehe.

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