They're lush buy,buy,BUY!!!
You're doing a good job!I know
since I turned 40 I've decided to grow old disgracefully and to be a total bad influence to everyone
Honestly, they looked like little tiny dalmations! just lovely...Nice cories; I have never seen them before. When it comes to cories I am completely weak; I just have to buy them....
you think I should get them Lu?
Haha, it's just the one shrimp. He won't tolerate any other shrimp in with him. He ate 4 amanos, numerous cherries, mts and another harmless macro shrimp before I separated him and his partner-in-crime to a tank in the garage where I was growing some emergent plants. Then he ate his partner in crime too.Wow, that are some shrimp! They are huge! What type are they?
I'll keep my fingers crossed on the cories for you. I couldn't resist buying some mature, chunky cories as well today for 25 pesos each (around 2 dollars) . They were sold as agasizzis but I think they are trilineatus.
Glad it's not just meNo I wouldn't want a mismatch either