Look My Guppie


New Member
Mar 11, 2008
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ok i have about 4 mails and 5 females (guppies) in a 10 gallon tank

well this guppie loked fat and as i have researched that these are the signs of pregnency.
how many days in you opinnion you think this guppie should be having its fry?

i put a tank seperator which devided the tank in basically two, its a plastic sheet like thing.
and i put this alone in there, its still pretty big for it to be free.
I have noticed, it barely eats, and hangs around the heater allot.
and its so much bigger then the time i bough it.

here it is ^^

how many days more? i CANT WAIT :p
Yes she's pregant, and looks around 10 days away as they gan get fatter than that, but if it's only a small batch of fry then it could be sooner.
She's definately pregnant but I'd say she's got about two weeks left to go so don't worry about seperating her just yet.
You should probably get some more females too. It's best to have at least 2, preferably 3 females to every male.
She's a looker. It's so hard to get decent females up here. The males are stunners, but the females have no colours.
There is now way to put a exact date on how long it will be, but going by your pic, i would say around aroumd 1-2 weeks, as helter said, if she is young or only dropping small amounts of fry, she could drop sooner...

Look for the signs...

When ready she may...

Dwell near bottom of tank or near plants..

hover near the top of tank (usually near corners)

Hang around intenal filters (if u have one)

Be very unsocial and want her own space.

Hide away anywhere she can

What do you plan on doing with they fry?, your tank is fully stocked and fry grow pretty quick so be sure to have somewhere to put/take them.

If you have a well plqnted tank it will give them a better chance of survival, alternatly, get a breeding trap/net.

Guppies have fry every 4-6 week (more at the 4 weeks mark) so if you log the date of her drop, you will know when she is due again and will see a pattern to her breeding behavior and know when to trap her the next time..

If you do decide to use a breeding trap, only keep her in it for 48 hours max so she dont get stressed to much..

Be sure to have some food for your fry has they need feeding at least 3 times per day, i reccomend, crushed up flake (i use blender) Baby brine shrimp, or microworms.

Good luck :)
Thanks for every reply, it has helped me allot as well as gave me more knowlege about guppies.
I was thinking maybe 2-3 days but now i know what to expect.

I have plants and a decorative rock that has a hole that the fry can hide under. I see my fish just hanging out on the top allot, barely eating, and just hanging out next to the heater.
I do have a filter, But, as i mentioned i put a tank seperator, so its on the other side.
but i am sure that would be fine.
sometimes it looks fat, sometimes skinny..lol im confised

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