Look At This Bowl!


Fish Crazy
Jul 15, 2008
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How can someone put a betta in this!
Thats just so disgusting. Unfortunately lots of people seem to see Bettas as ornaments rather than animals. :angry:
Everyone needs to get over these type of things, just posting this type of crap all the time on the forum and its getting boring..

Its not gonna stop so just leave it, its a help forum not a moaning forum

This is not aimed at the original poster btw
Everyone needs to get over these type of things, just posting this type of crap all the time on the forum and its getting boring..

Its not gonna stop so just leave it, its a help forum not a moaning forum

This is not aimed at the original poster btw

Quite agree but there will always be people who are new to the forums and to Bettas who will come across such things for the first time so maybe we should be a little more understanding when people post about something which has upset them.
Everyone needs to get over these type of things, just posting this type of crap all the time on the forum and its getting boring..

Its not gonna stop so just leave it, its a help forum not a moaning forum

This is not aimed at the original poster btw

Quite agree but there will always be people who are new to the forums and to Bettas who will come across such things for the first time so maybe we should be a little more understanding when people post about something which has upset them.

Exactly why i said not aimed at original poster :)
Sadly I think there's a real trend now in thinking up the 'coolest' looking betta tank....with no regards for the fish :(
My aunt got a betta she wanted one of those tiny double sided hexagon betta tanks that hold like 6 cups of water and and get a second betta but I made her go get it a real tank.
is it just me or does the fish in it seem kinda deformed?? wouldn't it be great if we could make the people who create/sell/buy these thing live in them just made human sized?? sorry but in my opinion its only fair.... i even think this for the animals in zoos and their keepers.
Sheesh, calm down 5teady :p lol. This is a forum for help, but it's also a social place as well. Not going to hurt anything to see these pop up. Just skip over them.

Anyways... our local fish place sells these godawful things. They take such great care of their salt water fish and somewhat decent care of their freshwater fish. They're all very knowledgable, BUT it seems their knowledge ends when it comes to bettas b/c all of their bettas have always looked half dead whenever I go in to the place. And they always have a sickly looking one in one of these things.
is it just me or does the fish in it seem kinda deformed?? wouldn't it be great if we could make the people who create/sell/buy these thing live in them just made human sized?? sorry but in my opinion its only fair.... i even think this for the animals in zoos and their keepers.

I am a zoo keeper jess6905; and i would be quite happy to move into one of my animals enclosures - try not to put everyone in the same boat; at my zoo we work extremely hard to ensure our enclosures are an enriched, safe and suitable environment for our animals. i feel i have a great understanding with the animals i care for, and i have been on many trips to conferences around the world about 'animal enrichment within zoo's'.

The betta bowls, are all nasty; made by people who don't think or care for the bettas; so lets keep posting pics of OUR 'better' betta tanks - rather then keep giving ourselves a morbid reminder of the idiots out there.
I dont' see it hurts for people to keep posting about them in the slightest, lots of new people are joining continualy and if it helps just one person not buy one then so be it. Just cos your fed up with them 5teady doesnt mean to say other people are, it's an open forum for eveyrone to post what they want not what pleases or displeases you. Some new people may see those and think it's ok,by seeing the posts on here they'll know that they arent.
I agree with Dusty people are aloowed to post there beliefs and disbeliefs in what ever forum they like and they are open to there opinions so posts like this completely have a purpose which is there opinion on the matter in which the post is focused around :good:
regards Tropicman
The shape is really interesting, it would be really cool if there was a second tank in the middle to keep two. Obviously the whole thing would need to be about six times the size. I see nothing wrong with interesting or oddly shaped tanks, as long as they still cater for the needs of the fish. This is just the usual disgraceful tiny betta tank. I don't feel like writing out my usual 'disgraceful tiny betta tank' rant. My fingers are tired, I've been writing all day. lol
sorry if i offended you by my comment snoopyfrench87 i did not intend to. i myself used to work in a zoo also. the one i worked for takes excellent care for their animals and does everything they can to ensure they are healthy and happy as all zoos should.
what i meant was that a lot of zoos have exhibits that are not even close to adequate for the animals it houses, and i have personally known keepers that only care about the animals because they have to not because they want to. when this is the case it shows. it is these keepers that i feel should have to go through and feel what the animals they care for on a daily basis encounter to help better understand those animals. i think it would be best for everyone who owns or works with/around animals to put themselves in the place of said animal and see if they would truly enjoy living in the conditions they are forced to live in from time to time. it might help us better understand how to make our animals happier and to keep them happier if we did.
again sorry if my comment offended anyone. if it did feel free to pm me and we can continue this there.

these type of tanks are everywhere, some of our suppliers even stock them in the UK and we are presented with them often due to them knowing we stock and sell large amounts of bettas and they are then sent away with a flea in their ear. Bad tanks are continued to sell on ebay and private websites and still people buy them, they have them for a matter of weeks,see the bad side then always upgrade to something else which is more appropiate.

come on peeps find some more dreadful tanks and post them on here, we might as well chat about them since this thread has been started...... call it therapy as its always better to get it off your chest :good:

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