Longfin Albino And Albino Cory Cats


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York, USA
one quick question... i know cories are schooling fish and well i have an albino cory cat. i saw in the pet store an longfin albino cory cat. i fell in love with it!!! :wub: the only problem is that i don'tknow if this is a different species all together (longfin0 or is it just a variation of the same species. i only got one cory because of size limitations in my tank and i got another tank up and running under good parameters, so now i want him to have some friends. i just don't want to buy a "different" cory and they not really interact as he would with his own species.

also, since albino is a variation of the bronze cory, will the bronze school with the albinos? or are they that picky? i kind of want to have them look different so i can name them all and be able to tell them apart :D

quick responses would be nice... i want to get his friends today :D
one quick question... i know cories are schooling fish and well i have an albino cory cat. i saw in the pet store an longfin albino cory cat. i fell in love with it!!! :wub: the only problem is that i don'tknow if this is a different species all together (longfin0 or is it just a variation of the same species. i only got one cory because of size limitations in my tank and i got another tank up and running under good parameters, so now i want him to have some friends. i just don't want to buy a "different" cory and they not really interact as he would with his own species.

also, since albino is a variation of the bronze cory, will the bronze school with the albinos? or are they that picky? i kind of want to have them look different so i can name them all and be able to tell them apart :D

quick responses would be nice... i want to get his friends today :D
Albinos may be bronze or peppered ( & sterbai but these have orange pectorals) and both the former can be longfin too.
You can mix longfin with normal as corys aren't disadvantaged as they are slow swimmers anyway.

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