Long fin, Green Dragon pleco’s???

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Magnum Man

Supporting Member
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Jun 21, 2023
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Southern MN
On the tank I’m restarting, that I’ll be moving my Tin Foils, and Gourami into ( cooler water ) I’ve been thinking a couple Green Dragons, in keeping with the Asian theme ( I know they aren’t from Asia ) these seem like a newer line bred pleco… just wondering if anyone else here has them??? Being an ancistris, probably doesn’t require hot water, and with the white sand I used, they should stand out pretty well, of course there is no algae in the tank yet, so not in a big hurry for them….

They're a color morph of the domestic bristlenose and will be comfortable in temperatures as low as 70F. I keep a red calico in my 72F goldfish tank lol
I hadn’t decided for sure on temperature, probably just under 75 degrees, figured them safe around there…

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