On the tank I’m restarting, that I’ll be moving my Tin Foils, and Gourami into ( cooler water ) I’ve been thinking a couple Green Dragons, in keeping with the Asian theme ( I know they aren’t from Asia ) these seem like a newer line bred pleco… just wondering if anyone else here has them??? Being an ancistris, probably doesn’t require hot water, and with the white sand I used, they should stand out pretty well, of course there is no algae in the tank yet, so not in a big hurry for them….
Longfin Green Dragon Ancistrus (Ancistrus sp.)
A recently developed and sought after strain of the popular Bristlenose Pleco, the Longfin Green Dragon Ancistrus displays unmistakable greenish coloration paired with extremely long, flowing fins. Like all Bristlenose Plecos, they are exceptional algae eaters, grazing on diatoms and other...