Lonely Angelfish


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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Hey all,

I had a group of three angelfish in my 30G aquarium, i bought them together however they were different types of angel. I had a KOI, a GOLDEN MARBLE and a MARBLED. My KOI angel died about a month ago, all very suddenly, my tank was treated as a precaution and has been back to full health for 3 weeks. My remaining angels seem to have been very lonely ever since, they are often seperated at opposite ends of the aquariums hiding amongst the plants. They are both feeding, not as they used to, when everything has calmed down they come out and get their food. I want to introduce a new similar sized angelfish to see if they will integrate and hopefully cheer up my others! I went to my LFS today and they said they had placed an order including a wide variety of angelfish that will arrive on monday and be available for sale providing no disease a week today. I asked them what kind of angels they were getting in and they said; KOI, ALL BLACK, MARBLED, BLUSHING, VEILTAILS AND ZEBRA/STRIPED. I was wanting anybodys advice on which species to purchase, thats if purchasing another one is recommended.

Firstly, they are all the same species :p Secondly, unless this 30 gallon has no other or very few other fish you shouldn't add any more angels or you'll end up over-crowded. What other fish are in there?
Koi angels are generaly more fragile than say the marbles because of in-breeding for color. As such, I'd go for a marbled or zebra which are less in-bred and more hardy especialy seeing as your tank experienced a disease lately. I'd also suggest you get 2 rather than one (if you have the space) to minnimize the stress placed upon the single new arrival by splitting the attention of the current 2 occupants.
Sorry about the species error! Thanks for your advice. My tank has few other inmates, i did have a few but i took some back to the LFS which created some space. I have some bottom feeders but as these occupy another region of the tank i thought it would be ok. I kinda wanted an all black? :/ Bad decision? I think i could fit two angels in, so could possibly go for a marbled or zebra. What do you think about gettin two more angels and if so an all black?
I'd say go for it but only if you are certain your tank is now disease-free. Also, what are the bottom feeders? If you have plecos be aware of their potential size...

Ive already looked into it, i have one bristlenose plec and one rusty plec and a small group of corydoras adolfoi. Should be fine?
Don't know what size rusty plecs get but tif they grow to bristlenose size you are fine and you can add the 2 angels as well. :)
Rusty plecs are relatively small growing plecs. Id researched them beforehand and whilst i cant remember exactly it was in the region of 5-7 inches. Thanx for all ur help, il keep u posted with how the angels are doin.
Rusty plecs are relatively small growing plecs. Id researched them beforehand and whilst i cant remember exactly it was in the region of 5-7 inches. Thanx for all ur help, il keep u posted with how the angels are doin.

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