London Fishkeepers

hehe I'm shy too but hey, you're with some lovely strangers all with similar interests so you can let that secret bolshy side out of ya haha!
Inside the M25 counts ;) as long as you don't mind coming into the centre!
Hi im also in London im a new member on here but a long term member on aquarist classifieds where there are a few of us members in london.
Have you thought of maybe setting up a cheap/free website to keep people informed of meetings and stuff, very easy to set a basic one up. I'd join but i'm in herts, so a bit to far away for me!!!
We have a website in the works. We only just officially formed last Tuesday, give us a chance! haha

We will have meetings the last Tuesday of every month, see the first post for the next date.
I can offer free hosting for any aquatic website's

it's limited though but read my sig but for a 1st site it will be enough space.
Better than using something like yahoo and i can offer a little help if u need it.
Thank's HelterSkelter but one of the guys has his own hosting already and another is a super-IT and web geek so we have that bit sewn up! haha
I have my own websites too so we're chock full of web geeks.
all those that were interested, can they please PM me their email address (and real name too!!) that'd be awesome! thanks.
inside the M25!! norf and souf. our meetings are around the islington way at the moment as the majority are norf of tha riva and islington/angel is easy to get to from pretty much everywhere - most bus routes seem to swing through there.

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