London Aquarium


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, UK
Went there today and was a little dissapointed by their tropical section. They had some huge discus and paranas. The thing that shocked me the most was the size of their silver sharks, its scary to think that my tidlers may grow to that size!
The main display was pretty amazing, with two huge tiger sharks in and a few large stingrays. The touch tank was a nice idea with a few fish and a few stingrays but they all seamed a bit bored/fed up and just lay on the bottom.
In general the other thing that got me with the place was that they didn't have information on all the fish in the displays, only a few selected ones. Even the clown loaches were left out on one of the displays and they were only babies!
Not a bad place for a couple of hours but the entry fee of £9.75 an adult seams a bit steep.
I went there not long ago to, quite good. The Piranha tank was obvioufly their pride and joy but the Congo Tetra tank and the Brakish and Malawi Cichlid tanks were good. The two main tanks with the Giant Gouramis and Arowana (Asain theme) and the Amazon themed tank with Pacus, Red Tailed Catfish and a Tiger Shovelnose weren't bad either though.
cool.... we're on about going this month (2 for 1 on back of the train tickets)
Hi Guys,

Out of interest is there any other aquariums around, apart from Sea Life centres that people have been to and could recommend?


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