Lol! One way to piss of your fish!

when i first saw the link on the main bit of the site, it suggested fish lasers as in attatching lasers to the fish lol

that would be amusing, fish playing lazerquest all day, with a scoreboard :D
Maybe its ultraviolet -_- or maybe not :unsure: even if it is ultraviolet, the sterilising effects only cause fish to become more susceptible to disease.
I too think that they're confusing this with UV light, which can be used to sterilize things. In fact, the medical profession uses it to sterilize medical instruments. How do I know this, you may ask? Because my girlfriend (a doctor) and I were just laughing over some product that is marketed as using a UV light to "sterilize" pacifiers, bottle nipples, and small toys. Her opinion was that anything powerful enough to actually sterilize these things would be too expensive for the average consumer (this item was bargain priced at $34.99). If manufacturers can lie about a little machine that will supposedly sterilize baby items, why not stretch the truth about a fish laser?

In closing, all I can say is, "You know, I have one simple request...and that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads." The heck with the lasers in the tank! :lol:


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