It's been a while since I updated this thread. Some of you know that after a lot of grief, we had to give away poor Lucy. She was just not the same after the 4th of July. She found a wonderful home, however, and is much happier for it. The other kittens, except for Sonny, are still with me, and it'll probably stay that way. I'd love to adopt out Belle, but as the kittens get older, it is more difficult.
They are doing extremely well. Here is Max and his favorite sparring partner, Cici. Cici is
all show, they took a nap together afterwards.

Max is a lean boy, very slender. He has a very wise face and looks much older than he is. We hope he'll keep the tabby stripes, but you never know, his father was purely grey. A sweetie pie, he enjoys being held and petted. His full name is Marcus Aurelius Xavier, though the final name isn't Roman, but Persian. We just call him Max.
Another picture of Cici sleeping with Belle, the fugly one. She's the smallest, and the most reclusive. Our home is a bit boisterous for her and in many ways, she is a lot like Lucy. But she is adjusting better because of her brothers and sisters, and doesn't have Lucy's issues. At least she can sleep with Cici, and if you can do that, you've got a good shot of doing well in our house.
Here is Buckwheat, though as he grows, the less I like the name. I'd like to give him a name like Max's, but retain the Acronym BUC, so we can call him Bucky for fun. Brutus Ursinus Crassus would be kind of cool. Means brutish/not bright, bear-like, and fat/big, which pretty much sums him up! He was the runt of the litter with the pretty severe eye infection. I had to drain his eye 3-4 times a day for the first week and a half and I really thought he was going to go blind in one eye. A little TLC, however, changed things. He is now the largest of the litter, over 3lbs, and at only slightly over 3 months, that is a hefty boy! For comparison, Lily, was 3lbs at 6 months. His paws are already the same size as Lily's, who is now 7 years old. He isn't fat, just huge. A big boy with a big heart. This one is the follower and loves to be cuddled.
And finally, we have Cleo. She is still a sweetie pie and cute as a button. Boy, does she have gas, though. I can't believe something so small can make something so stinky!

Vet says she's fine, she just has gas.
Well, thanks for looking.