really, 4 weeks? i'd have thought that you could tame kittens as old as 16 weeks, given enough quiet and patience. of course, it may depend on what the definition of "feral" is...
Like you said though, it takes a lot more patience and quiet. At four week or less, they're still dependent on mother for milk and waste elimination, so the bond formed byt the care-giver and the kitten during these activities makes it much easier and not much really needs to be done as far as taming goes. To them, I am mama, and they are already comforted by the sound of my voice and some even purr when I pick them up. These kittens will grow up used to being handled and used to human touch. They already let me cut their toenails and I've only had them for 2 days.
When they're older, it gets progressively harder. Anybody can bottle feed a kitten, but to tame a 16 week old feral kitten and turn it into a family pet, that takes smarts. I admire these people. I've handled feral 8 week kittens and had to use very heavy leather gloves, they were bundles of spitting, scratching hissing fur and these were eventually adopted, so there are people out there with a great deal of patience. I definitely don't have the time for that kind of thing, yet I have time for bottle feedings at 2am

I'm pleased with their progress, they're gaining weight so far, and that's great.