Wow. thread got all full of porn while I was away...!
Yeah... They have corrupted my thread beyond repair. I don't mind. Scape's done. People are here to just learn and ask questions and have a good time.
i like it now as you can see the Aponogeton!
I like it too. Tbh, it was being covered by the crypts. When I Dutch this tank, it becomes a specimen focal point. Very traditional.
Looking good, can I have some of your petite Anubias pretty please lol its so expensive over here and my dog ate most of the stuff Ian sent me lol, out of like 4 rhizomes I managed to save one.
I'm in the US, mate, sorry. Not that they wouldn't survive the post, they would, but my pocketbook wouldn't.
Love the Crypts in this tank.
I don't know what it is with me and crypts. I'll be curious to see how crypts do in my tanks once I start experimenting with RO/Tapwater mixes. I know stems will tend to do better with slightly softer water.
Eleocharis Parvula
Oh and I thought this was about your scape not your dreams lol
Bleh... I have nightmares about Peter Jackson lookalikes and Charlie Sheen... WINNING!!!
Very, very nice, Liz!
I have a quick noob question ... is that a regular tank that's just had the top rim removed?
Hahahahaha, probably TOS, but then they put a lovely little label in the bottom right (ADA) and then sell it for 4x what it's worth. I'm joking! This is an ADA tank, so they make it without top rims. Different glass, stronger. But expensive. The tank a little larger than mine (75cm) retails for $299 (Just the tank). The smaller tanks, half my tank's size, are about $100, so I figure this tank retails for about $200. I paid about $25 more (so $225 total) at the AGA convention auction and got hardscape, lighting, substrate, and plants. I did really well in that auction. Next year, the AGA convention's in St. Louis, so if I buy big ticket items, I'll have to ship. Easy enough to do, and worth a deal like that. I'd love another one of these for Marine systems. The glass is incredibly clear and I think with hallides or strong LEDs, a Marine would be stunning. Very trendy now to setup ADA tanks as Marines. Hahaha, no mantis shrimp, though.