Many blennies have sexual dimorphism, so that wouldn't surprise me if that were the case with the blenny in question.
Ok, time for the moment of truth. Tank arrived yesterday!
I know, I know, why didn't I post this yesterday?!

Well, I got slammed with a head cold yesterday and feel awful. So now, I'm stuck in bed and able to catch up.
He kept the original packaging. How awesomely anal is that? It arrived in excellent condition.
Pink towels are an added bonus.
Empty tank
The controller. This is sick. The LCD is easy to read and he called me on Skype to walk me through the process. When I do the setup on Saturday, he'll be walking me through the process as well. The second gen controller will have a case. I'll get that in maybe a month or so. I ran the lights for a spell and found it very easy to work with.
This the lighting itself. You can see how well put together it is. Awesome, I was extremely impressed with the work that Nanobox did with this custom setup. One of the most aesthetically pleasing upgrades I've seen. It almost looks like the biocube actually came that way.
All the components of the tank. You have the cords for the light, the fans, a printer cable to connect the controller to my laptop, the program to work the lights (flashdrive), the upgraded pump, Fluke by Christopher Moore (hehe, Monochrome wanted me to read it), two submersable halogen bulbs to run my in tank refugium, the fishsaver (almost out of the picture), and the upgraded media rack with the hydor flow inside.
Of course, now the moment of truth, what do these lights look like?
Default setting. I think this at like 25% intensity. Haha, may put it at close to full so you can see. Of course I won't run that way. Haha, unless people are curious to see what perhaps Venus looks like?
And finally some video of the Thunderstorm.
I wanted to start the leak test yesterday, but I was too sick by then and just went to bed. I may try it later today if I feel up to it.
Thanks for looking. I'm very excited to finally be able to show you pictures.