Did you ever notice how waste cherries generate? Maybe it's just mine, but they are big time pigs and poo like there's no tomorrow.
Now that you mention it, I never saw them poo and that may have been the problem. Damaged batch. They are relatives of the goldfish, you know, big poopers! I'll leave the pair alone and perhaps get a small school of harlequins to round out the tank. Love harlequins. I wish they had the dwarf rasboras, but no one carries them here.
Greenwater is almost gone on this one too. Tank is actually clear again, which is nice. I hate it cloudy.
I hacked up the scape a little bit, but it'll grow back. The zosterfolia and rotala needed to be replanted after the blackout. Glosso needs to be trimmed, but I'd rather let it grow a bit before I trim. It survived the blackout without a problem. The anubias, moss, and African fern are growing quite fast! This tank is tricky. it has 3WPG and is a challenge to keep stable. It allows none of the flexibility of lighting that the 20g allows. EI is a definite yes for this tank, but until I get the fish-stocking I want, I don't want to mess with it. The nutrient needs of the plants may be filled with the fish load, laterite, and CO2 injection, and only trace may need to be dosed. I say it again, nanos are HARD! Don't let them be your first tank. I'm being stubborn with this one and will stick to my guns and not strip it down.
Side angle from right before the greenwater took hold, about 2 weeks ago, something like that.
Side view, like this picture, surviving male cherry barb featured. The male in the back died.
Surviving female cherry barb. I think glosso is pearling.
Front view. Pruned quite a bit and will trim glosso next week. This is the current picture after the blackout.
Thanks for looking,