I have internet again. Not too shabby either for dial-up. Just a tad slower than what I'm used to. I set up the nano
! It looks alright for now.
It has Glossostigma, Marsilea quadrifolia, Alternantera reineckii, my barclaya
, my petite nanas, and some left over creeping jenny. Samson is the only occupant so far and he loves it. The substrate is much lighter than I wanted, but the grain size is excellent. Almost like very course sand. It wasn't what I was expecting to plant, but I had to economize quite a bit. The only tanks I'll have for quite some time will be this nano and the 20g. I couldn't take the 15g and 10g with me
. They wouldn't fit in the SUV.
On the plus side, I was able to bring the equipment.
I'll try and have a photo-shoot tomorrow and post some pictures.
Glad to be back, missed TFF quite a bit.