Llj's 8g Nano Journal

Bugged Modernhamlet. Ordered Laterite on Saturday. Also purchased a new Canon digital camera with 4x optical zoom, and something about .4 inch macro. Evidently, I can be like .4 inch away from my subject. That could be cool. Will be great since I can take pictures for my various journals. Oh, and the family can use it for vacations, but it's really all about me. :p
Camera and laterite came! :yahoo: Camera has a super macro mode. :D
Cool! Please show, please show! I really need to get a decent camera!
Cool! Please show, please show! I really need to get a decent camera!

It's a canon PowerShot A430 with 4.00 Mega pixels, 4x optical zoom, and a super macro mode that allows me to be .39 inches from my subject to get a shot. I'll try taking some photos later. Cost me about $142.00. I purchased it from Amazon.com.
I have internet again. Not too shabby either for dial-up. Just a tad slower than what I'm used to. I set up the nano :yahoo: ! It looks alright for now.

It has Glossostigma, Marsilea quadrifolia, Alternantera reineckii, my barclaya :wub:, my petite nanas, and some left over creeping jenny. Samson is the only occupant so far and he loves it. The substrate is much lighter than I wanted, but the grain size is excellent. Almost like very course sand. It wasn't what I was expecting to plant, but I had to economize quite a bit. The only tanks I'll have for quite some time will be this nano and the 20g. I couldn't take the 15g and 10g with me :-( . They wouldn't fit in the SUV. :grr: On the plus side, I was able to bring the equipment.

I'll try and have a photo-shoot tomorrow and post some pictures.

Glad to be back, missed TFF quite a bit.

llj :)
Wondered where you'd gone :D nice to see you back. I know I get withdrawlys even after a few days! How was the drive? Long I guess!

Looking forward to seeing the pics :)

Here's a picture of the nano. I like this one better than the 20g. I may try sticking some of FKNM's moss in this setup. Right now, I have two moss-covered rocks in the 20g that I don't like. I think I'll remove the moss from the slate and attach the moss to the wood in the 8g. There are a lot of little nooks and crannies that would look very nice with moss. The aquascape was all done with either leftovers from my old tanks or store-bought plants. I have nothing from online and was pleasently surprised with some of the plants I found in LPS. It's really a crap-shoot, pardon the expression, finding plants in South FL. The glosso was a particularly nice find from PetSupermarket of all places! The right kind of glosso too, the kind that you can plant horizontal. Planting individual stems was a pain. Still not sure if it'll grow straight up or carpet, but perhaps with the laterite, tiny grain gravel, CO2 injection, and 3WPG, I may be lucky. At least it's pearling, which is good and I see new shoots emerging from the stems. I'll trim back what grows upwards and put it in the 20g. Enough talking. :rolleyes: Picture time!


Thanks for looking.

llj :)
Nice splash of red on the right there, but the four leaf clover looks a bit leggy, you allowing it time to settle before you trim it?
Nice splash of red on the right there, but the four leaf clover looks a bit leggy, you allowing it time to settle before you trim it?

Yes, it's going crazy and sending new shoots, so I guess it likes its new home. I've never worked with clover before, do you treat it like Valis and just trim it, or more like a crypt and just remove leaves that don't work?

See, I told you I'd branch and do new species. :p
See, I told you I'd branch and do new species. :p

:lol: glad to see it :) as to care for the clover, haven't a clue Im afraid never kept it myself, but most plants, especially the long ones like the clover is you just cut the top off and it produces side shoots. Give it a try on a few bits near the back and see it it works?

Time for an update. I switched out a lot of the plants to the 20g. The large leaf size of the clover and the alternantera were too much for the 8g. I replaced them with smaller leafed plants. The glosso carpet is taking off in this tank. I had to trim some of it and move it to the 20g. There isn't a lot of color contrast in the photo. In person, the rotala blushes pink and it looks pretty against the wood and myriophyllum.
My barclaya is sprouting another flower stalk. I love that plant. :wub: It never fails.

Full tank shot.

Another tank shot, different color scheme in the camera. Still trying to find out what color setting to use.

Macro close-up of Rotala. Isn't it pink? That is an old plant from IL. The new ones from Aquariumplants.com are not so pink, but hopefully they'll catch up soon.

I also added a trio of cherry barbs. Great fish in principle, perfect companions for Samson. I've yet to see them out in the open much. They really like planted tanks, so much so that they are constantly hiding. :rolleyes: I plan on adding another trio and hopefully that will bring the others out of hiding. I hope.

llj :)
Is that glosso in the foreground?

Reminds me of when i planted mine.....i presume you inteded it to grow upwards, i remember you commenting on this on my jounral


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