Llj's 8g Nano Journal


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Aug 10, 2005
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Miami, FL

I just received my Finnex 8g tank today from Ebay! Hehe beat you FKNM and Squirrelbuddies! :p Ok, I'll stop gloating now. Everything looks fine right now, I inspected it for cracks and didn't find any, but I think I'm going to do a water test before I leave for Miami, FL, just to be safe.

The tank is 15.75" x 10.25" x 11.80" high, so it just a little shorter than a 10g. It came with a 24W power compact fixture, a 50W submersible heater, and a small hang on the Back filter with adjustable flow. The plan is to use DIY yeast mixture again as I found it really easy to get 30ppm in a 10g.

Here is the link to the eBay item. Hope the link works. I thought it a pretty good value.


I have a few questions, I was able to grow most anything in my 10g at 2.8WPG and CO2 injection. This tank will have 3WPG. Should I treat this tank as a low-light, or treat it like my 10g? I'm also thinking about a nutrient-rich substrate but will absolutely not deal with Flourite again (the 3-week long cloudy mess ordeal of my 36g was enough to scar me for life), so any other experiences with substrates would be appreciated. I'd prefer to find something other then gravel with root tabs, which though it's worked very well for me, I'd like a change.

Haven't figured out my plant list yet, and I always enjoy hearing suggestions. I'd like to try and make this tank look bigger than it is. This tank is much prettier than my 10g, so it may be setup earlier. No idea about livestock, only that they be non-jumpers since the tank is open top. Dwarf rasboras would be pretty cool. Would be cool to find a small plant with an interesting above-water flower, or some interesting floating plants other than duckweed.

This makes tank number 5 for me! :crazy: Not including bettas. Thanks for reading!


llj :D
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:shout: Not fair, not fair, not fair!!!!!!

Does it really look better in person? I want mine nowwww :( I'll steal your dwarf rasbora idea, but I'll get the dwarf emerald green eye rasbora (Rasbora dorsiocellata-dorsiocellata) this time. Hopefully they're more hardier than the boraras maculatus :S

As for plants that gives that "big tank" illusion...popular choice is anubias nana petite and anubias nana. Then carpeting plants like dwarf hairgrass, microswords, HC. And mosses, can't forget the mosses :D

Let me know if you're ready to try growing moss again, I'll send you some christmas moss. Unless, of course, you want to try java moss again :lol:

Yeah, it looks really cute! Your's is 4g, right? With the 8g, I'll have more stocking options than you. I'm really stuck on Boraras brigittae, which are soooooo hard to find. A small group of male Endlers is a nice idea too, or another tiny livebearer like mosquito fish. You know, I've never been a big moss fan, but thanks for your offer. I already have the anubias.
Awesome!!! I want one tooo.

that seems like a very good deal for such a nice small tank.

for plants how about some Banana plants they look really good

from above, are floating and they sometimes flower. just what you wanted.

So another nano journal, I cant help wondering if the planted nano will become the ‘new’ nano reef? (don’t let the nano reef guys and gals hear that, Id be off TFF before you could say ‘lets…go…nano!’)

Tank looks like a real find and saved yourself a fortune as it comes pretty much with everything you’ll need. Lighting sounds like it’ll be good and the open top should stop any heat problems you may have with the T5’s.

What you going to diffuse the CO2 with? Ladder? Might look quite big in such a small tank, certainly did in my iccle one. I would treat it as a high light tank and see how it goes, 3WPG should be fine for an 8g.

I can recommend eco-complete, especially as you don’t want any gravel, it’ll work without being mixed. The only problem I have had is the weight, it’s a pig to plant stuff, especially HC as the eco-complete just gets pushed out of the way and the plants float to the surface! But it is possible. If you do you is, I would have between 2-3” on the bottom, this means you’ll be able to plant stuff nice and deep helping it to stay in place. Get a long pair of tweezers thou! Of you want something else, how about laterite? Think you can use it on its own, but not 100% of that.

Also, not tried it myself, but as you are well aware I wouldn’t want to have stem plants in my nano, the eco-complete would be to much of a pain what with all the replanting you’ll be doing.

I would go with FKNO on the plants, I have found HC to be a great carpeting plant, but does best if you keep the NO3 at least 20ppm. Would have thought hairgrass would be too tall in this tank thou?

You know how much I love the dwarf rasbora’s! Enough said! :p But the emerald rasbora is also a great little fish, my colleague has some, but they’ve not been a very hardy fish, half died within the first 6 months, for no apparent reason. Might just be an isolated case thou. Endlers would look good, especially against the green of the HC.

Hope this helps a bit :)

You posts are always helpful, and I don't think SH will mind planted nanos, I think he's got a planted tank as well. Now, I don't think we'll get our own section any time soon.

Sam, do you think I'd get the same nutrient effect with a bottom laterite layer, say and inch, and then an inch or so of fine small black gravel to help with the planting? Does laterite cloud? Told you I'm scarred from the bloody flourite and now I'm paranoid. No cloudy water for me! I know I don't want sand, and after thinking a bit, gravel is not so bad, as long as it's black and very small. I currently have the natural stuff that's too big and it's an eyesore. That will not survive the move.

I've seriously thought about HC for a ground cover as it seems lower maintenance than glosso. Can you give the full scientific name for HC? I want to start looking for it online. I also really like Pogostemons, but they may be too hard to find. I figured I could treat this tank as a high-tech tank. It's so similar to the 10g. A Nutrafin diffusor won't look any more abnoxious than it does in my 10g. I have rotala covering that in the 10g, very effective, and you can't see it.

It's between Endlers and Boraras brigittae. I could always use my spare 10g to breed Endlers and keep 5-6 really nice males in the 8g. I wouldn't feel right keeping Endlers if I couldn't breed them. On the flip side, if you get really good B. brigittae stock, you're talking about fish that could be alive for a long time. Mine were nearly 3 years old and showed no signs of slowing down. I just don't think livebearers have that kind of lifespan.

Sorry for thinking aloud, but I guess that's how tanks are planned. This one will probably be mapped out before I even get to setup.


llj :)

I just received my Finnex 8g tank today from Ebay! Hehe beat you FKNM and Squirrelbuddies! :p Ok, I'll stop gloating now.

You are such a brat! :p Mine arrives tomorrow. I can't wait!

Do you have any of the Amano books? If so, check out Book 2, pages 46-47. It's an 18 liter tank. The plants are mostly green except for a lovely patch of rotala macranda, which you have good luck with, right?

Regarding the laterite -- it doesn't cloud as long as you keep it under the gravel. I've had very good luck with it and definitely prefer it over the fluorite. I have jungle vals in the tank with the laterite and they grow at an amazing rate. Same plant in the tank with flourite doesn't grow at even half the rate...
You are such a brat! :p Mine arrives tomorrow. I can't wait!

Do you have any of the Amano books? If so, check out Book 2, pages 46-47. It's an 18 liter tank. The plants are mostly green except for a lovely patch of rotala macranda, which you have good luck with, right?

Regarding the laterite -- it doesn't cloud as long as you keep it under the gravel. I've had very good luck with it and definitely prefer it over the fluorite. I have jungle vals in the tank with the laterite and they grow at an amazing rate. Same plant in the tank with flourite doesn't grow at even half the rate...

I know, I am a stinking little brat.

Yeah, you get yours tomorrow! Whoopie another nano thread. Nope, I don't have any of the Amano books, still building my Baensch library first, then Amano gets his turn. I've done alright with macrandra, had to bin the last of it. It has very fragile stems and I tweak too much with my tanks, resulting in damage. I know now that when I add it, it's got to be the last thing I add, or I have to be set with it's location. It might have a place in my 15g now that the layout is secure, but not in a nano where I would be trying to tweak the layout.

Laterite it is then, with some small-grain gravel on top. Does BigAl's sell gravel like this?
Laterite it is then, with some small-grain gravel on top. Does BigAl's sell gravel like this?

I don't recall off the top of my head. I bought some 3mm black gravel locally for my 38 gallon. They had even smaller gravel - but not in black. (walnut maybe?) Have you ever tried using the Eco-Complete? I was thinking of trying that in the "new" nano tank...
Laterite it is then, with some small-grain gravel on top. Does BigAl's sell gravel like this?

I don't recall off the top of my head. I bought some 3mm black gravel locally for my 38 gallon. They had even smaller gravel - but not in black. (walnut maybe?) Have you ever tried using the Eco-Complete? I was thinking of trying that in the "new" nano tank...

I hear eco-complete is too light and plants often float up, and it supposedly buffers the water or something wierd like that. I tweak too much for that light a substrate, and my plants would be everywhere. I am alright with a walnut color, just as long as it's not a light substrate. I might even consider just the gravel and root tabs, which has always worked so well for me, but I want to try the famous lawn covers, so that's not the best idea. They need nutrients to be evenly distributed. GF raves about ADA soil, but I am not the richest of people. But perhaps a little of that with gravel on top might be alright? I guess I'll have a looksy at the website.
Hi Llj,

Sorry for the late reply, have been away from home due to work for the past few days.

Right down to the nitty gritty;

Not sure on the not mixing laterite thing, Ive not actually used it yet myself! But jimboo mixed his so thats what Im going to do. But when I do use it I'll be mixing it with black gravel as I like the effect. Not usre how much the laterite will stand out but from what I remember you need very little laterite compared to the gravel, so personally I dont think it'll look to bad and still give the you the black substrate look. Im sure it must be easy to find small sized, black gravel. Soory cant help more, until I try this all myself I'm not sure!

IMHO Im never going near flourite! just me but there are alternaitives so what the point of putting yourself through the cloudy water hassel! But thats just me, anything for an easy life!

Def go with the HC (Hemianthus callitrichoides ''Cuba'' BTW ;)) I really love it and will certainly be using it again.

Fish choice seems good either one species or both, both are great little fish :)

Hope that helps a bit, see most of the other questions in there have been arnswered by Squirrel ;)

No problem Sam, you're the one with the life, not I. You and I, I guess, constitute the "No Flourite" Camp of TFF. I HATED that stuff with a passion. If laterite mixed with gravel, is good enough for Jimbooo, it's certainly good enough for me! His tanks are gorgeous! Good thing I won't need much laterite, I think 1-2 boxes will be enough for all of my planted tanks, which there will be 4. Tank #5 is going to be a quaranteen/hospital tank, which I think is best. Too many fancy species from aquabid will be stocking my aquariums.

The biggest problem I forsee is not being able to find HC in the US. I've not seen it in any of the online vendors I frequent. Most of my high-tech tanks are or will be at or above 3.00 WPG, use EI, and inject CO2, so I don't think I'll have a big problem growing it, especially with my substrate choice.

Thanks a bunch for the scientific name, Sam. That will come in handy when I do my search. Sorry to bother, but do you have the scientific name for the Pogostemon you have? I like that plant for the nano as well.
Smashing looking little setup ! :good: and what a great price too.

Look forward to seeing it develop :D
Not a problem, at least I know the answer to this one! Normally just waffel for a bit and hope some of what I write is useful! Its Pogostemon helferi. Still getting used to growing it, but seems to do well in my tank so thats a good sign I guess!

So you like changing CO2 mixes do you? 4 EI tanks!! You'll have your hands full!!
Not a problem, at least I know the answer to this one! Normally just waffel for a bit and hope some of what I write is useful! Its Pogostemon helferi. Still getting used to growing it, but seems to do well in my tank so thats a good sign I guess!

So you like changing CO2 mixes do you? 4 EI tanks!! You'll have your hands full!!

Yes, I live for the pain. Besides, I like the smell of fermenting yeast. My largest tank is only a 36g. EI is not so bad, once you've got the set schedule, your fine. Getting through the initial algae phase in all will be a hoot, I'm sure.

Thanks for the link, FKNM. I'll bug Modernhamlet soon.

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