Llj's 20g Journal


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Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 10, 2005
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Miami, FL
By now, you're probably really sick of me, but I have no final exams, most of my furniture will be moved out of my apartment by next week, and my packing's almost done for my move, so I have tons of time on my hands. I promise this is the last journal for a long time. Seriously, I'm done with the journals. I think it's time for a low-tech.


20g high, 1.5WPG, 1 DIY CO2 unit (weak mix), light fertilization. Sand, gravel, and laterite substrate.
See layout below. I like paint.


The background plant will be egeria najas, always an easy plant to work with IMO. The dark green is again, a small crypt, probably parva or lutea, or both to get various heights. The wood will be covered with various anubias of different sizes and types, the African fern, and maybe moss (At least I'll give it a go, but the whole point is that this one is low-tech and low maintenance). Jimbooo's 12g was the influence for this tank, and I really like his sand foreground, but I don't think crypts will do very well in sand, so I may have to put gravel where the crypts are and put sand in the front. Eventually it'll mix, I'm sure, but it should look nice for a little while especially if the sand bed is not too deep. I could also use wood or plastic to separate the two substrates while I setup. Scale, as always, is off. The sand bed is WAY too big in the attachment, but you get the general idea. I don't plan on having a foreground plant. Stock is pretty simple and colorful, a school of small tetras, peacock gudgeons, and something for the surface strata, dwarf hatchet fish maybe or a colorful livebearer, or a rarer small gourami? I plan now and it could all go to bust later.

Any comments, suggestions, and bits of advice are always welcome. This tank has the priviledged position near my bed, so I want this one to be soothing and easy on the eyes. I don't want to worry about constant tweaking and it'll hopefully be the sit back and relax tank. I think I'll have enough reason to pull hair out with the other three tanks. :shout:
sweet. same size tank as mine. I'm still piecing together the parts and am doing it this summer lljdma. How are you gonna use the plastic to separate the gravel and sand?

Is this a 20H or long?
You get better on paint every time ;).

Is this an arial or side shot? Could be either from my eyes lol.. :D
I like the plan, its a nice layout.

A bad arial shot, I guess. Can't wait for this one to get started, I like the layout and really like the idea of showcasing my anubias and trying some of the more fancy species like A. gracilis and the varigated barterii.

Thanks Luke_e and Alps, I appreciate your comments. I have no clue how I'm going to separate the substrate using plastic, Alps, but I'll give it a try. I figure, I'll cut the divider to a strip of appropriate length and width and then wedge it into the tank and rely on tension to hold it in place. But that may not work. I really don't want to use aquarium adheasive since that will be more permanent and I want to be able to change things. I might be fine with it mixing a bit. It'll have a more natural look anyway. If peacock gudgeons don't require a sand substrate, I might become lazy and not include the sand bed, instead replacing it with some smooth stone hardscape, which could look cool as well. I'm pretty lazy and like instant results. :lol:
Oh nice one Llj this'll give me something to what ready for my low-light 20G ;) which is just got the regulator for, one piece closer to mine own! Looks like a good plan to me, you going to have an java fern in there? and egeria not vals?
Oh nice one Llj this'll give me something to what ready for my low-light 20G ;) which is just got the regulator for, one piece closer to mine own! Looks like a good plan to me, you going to have an java fern in there? and egeria not vals?

Thanks Sam!

No java fern so far, I would like to use the African fern species, but my plans are not set in stone. A lace java fern, I'll admit, could look very nice. I think that the E. najas would look more interesting next to the anubias and crypts than valis, but again plans aren't really set. Another fantastic plant to consider as a background is Hygro difformis, which can be extremely impressive and the light green makes a fine contrast with anubias, but they're so prone to hair algae. Another problem is that my water tends to get a little too soft in Miami for valis, I think. Don't they prefer harder water conditions? My pH there with CO2 injection drops to 6.4, kH to 3 or 4 and GH to about 6 or less, which is wierd considering out of the tap the pH is 8.0.
Oh nice one Llj this'll give me something to what ready for my low-light 20G ;) which is just got the regulator for, one piece closer to mine own! Looks like a good plan to me, you going to have an java fern in there? and egeria not vals?

Sam, duuuude, whatever you're drinking, lemme have some!!! :lol: I read this 3 times and I still couldn't figure it out. But I really shouldn't comment. People living in glass houses and all... :lol:

Oh crap! :X Its been a long week and I was at work trying not to get caught on TFF! Let me re-phrase

Oh lice sun Llj this'll give sea something to what steady for shy low-sight 20G ;) stitch is just goat the spectator for, lets fly close to the sun!

:lol: sorry I couldnt resist, what I meant was

Oh nice one Llj this jorunal will give me something to read and follow ready for when I set up my own low-light 20G ;) Just got a 2nd hand regulator for it it off Ebay, so one step closer to making the change :D

That better?

Llj - first sorry for all the above, me being 'me' again! And yes valls need hard water to thrive. And to be honest I think you could do with moving away from the more easy plants, you seems to have plenty of skill when it comes to growing plants (just not java moss obviously!) getting some different plants would be a great idea, you can experiement with different things then, mix it up a little :)
Oh nice one Llj this'll give me something to what ready for my low-light 20G ;) which is just got the regulator for, one piece closer to mine own! Looks like a good plan to me, you going to have an java fern in there? and egeria not vals?

Sam, duuuude, whatever you're drinking, lemme have some!!! :lol: I read this 3 times and I still couldn't figure it out. But I really shouldn't comment. People living in glass houses and all... :lol:

Oh crap! :X Its been a long week and I was at work trying not to get caught on TFF! Let me re-phrase

Oh lice sun Llj this'll give sea something to what steady for shy low-sight 20G ;) stitch is just goat the spectator for, lets fly close to the sun!

:lol: sorry I couldnt resist, what I meant was

Oh nice one Llj this jorunal will give me something to read and follow ready for when I set up my own low-light 20G ;) Just got a 2nd hand regulator for it it off Ebay, so one step closer to making the change :D

That better?

Llj - first sorry for all the above, me being 'me' again! And yes valls need hard water to thrive. And to be honest I think you could do with moving away from the more easy plants, you seems to have plenty of skill when it comes to growing plants (just not java moss obviously!) getting some different plants would be a great idea, you can experiement with different things then, mix it up a little :)

Yeah, I could use some of that stuff too. Do share Sam!

:lol: :lol: Yeah, I like anubias, and crypts and will stick with those, but really want to experiment with some of the wierder plants, especially in the high-techs. Expect some difficult toninas perhaps in those aquariums, especially the 15g and the nano. I think the giant glosso field in the 36g will be hard enough.

A background of tall crypts might be interesting and more unusual than the usual stem plants. More difficult to balance too, since everyone will then be slow-growing. I'll have a looksy and see what's wierd out there and available.

"Oh lice sun Llj this'll give sea something to what steady for shy low-sight 20G ;) stitch is just goat the spectator for, lets fly close to the sun!"

Now that would make a great signature. :lol: Sounds like something from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
I've been doing some reading on low-tech tanks and what I plan for this tank seems like it will work. Some of the literature says to not do much in the way of Water changes. One site said once every 2-4 months! :crazy: That's kind of NOT what I'm used to, I've always done weekly water changes, even in my non-planted tanks. Would such a span between water changes be necessary, or can I continue my normal pattern, say only about 15-25% a week instead of the 50% for my EI tanks? I think the principal behind the long span is so that the tank can accumilate more nutrients, but could I supplement this by dosing some extra ferts? Websites also say to understock which I totally understand and will do in this one. Keep changing my mind on stock too, actually kind of liking Florida Flag fish right now.

Was just curious. I'm so used to the high-tech way of doing things that the laissez-faire approach has thrown me for a loop.

Thank you, :D
I have no answers for either one of your questions, but...

Some of the literature says to not do much in the way of Water changes. One site said once every 2-4 months!

Darn! I knew I should have gone the low-tech route....:lol: And oh, you're not the only one going crazy over stocking. Couple days ago I decided on peacock gudgeons. Yesterday, it's betta. Don't know if I'm going to change my mind yet again today :lol:

Naaaaah, I like growing some of the fancy-schmancies too much, so I'll keep my planned high-techies.

I know, I have been going nuts about what I want for stocking. And I've got 4 tanks to stock and I don't want to stock with the normal fish you see everyday! I've been doing some reading, bad I know, but the American Flag fish (thought it was Florida) is like one of the best algae eaters ever created. They can also be found in FL waterways. They're a hardy, smallish killifish that like to be in small shoals with one male and several females. They eat the same types of algae that SAE and amano shrimp eat, but they don't get quite so large (SAE) and are not as likely to end up as food (Amano shrimp).

Thanks for responding, hopefully somebody will be able to shed some light on this. My guess is that if I want to keep the tank clean my way, which I'm inclined to do so, I'll just have to use a few more supplements and watch the balance of my tank.
Ok, I confess, I have been very bad about keeping up with my reading here. I totally missed this thread. I just wanted to comment on the vallis (look back about 10 days ago.)

I'm a vallis freak. I love the stuff. Every tank I've had and still have, has some kind of vallis in it. I've given back two big batches of it to both of my favorite LFS'.

My water only tests at gh 4 and the pH is low due to the CO2 (6.4). It just takes a little more effort to keep it nice but it can be done. I really like the vertical nature of the plant and the color is so brilliantly green!
You need to get down to Miami and set the tank up already. I could use another pair of eyes down here.

Those Flag fish seem really cool, real algae eating machines.
You need to get down to Miami and set the tank up already. I could use another pair of eyes down here.

Those Flag fish seem really cool, real algae eating machines.

Hehe, all in good time... 8) Less than two weeks.

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