Yeah probably. I had one or 2 12 hour readings before it did it consistantly. Not long before though which is the good news.
You decided on fish yet?
Cheers hun. I've done a couple of lists. One of them requires a higher capacity filter and on that was 5 Cardinal Tetras, 3 Guppies, 1 Blue Ram, 1 Bolivian Ram and 1 Dwarf Gourami. I have changed it a bit though as I know that the rams and Gourami's don't tend to colour up unless with another of the opposite sex so have changed it a bit. The filtration I have at present is great for list number 2 which consists of 2 Bolivian Rams, 1 Blue Ram, and either 1 Dwarf Gourami and 3 Guppies or 2 Dwarf Gouramis and no guppies. Not quite sure as yet though. The site advisor info was great with each list just need to upgrade filter if going for list 1. Haven't a clue lol Hope your fish are a bit happier today. Have read your posts but have been a bit busy so haven't been able to take time out to answer. Oh, and trust me, kids are DEFINITELY more stressful than fish !!! I have two