Hooray !!!!!!! seems like i'm finaly getting somewhere !!!!!! AGAIN !!!!! Nitrites this morning are at 0.25pmm.

Sounds like a nice mixture. I am also smitten with tetras. Just have two little neons in a biube at the moment. I am waiting on my Fluval Roma 125 cycling and can't wait to get them into it and give them some mates. I have had problems with gravel I bought pushing up my ph level so had the task of completely emptying the tank and replacing the gravel with sand today. Hopefully I can get some corys now which will get on well with tetras and like the same water conditions. Like you, I am gettting near the end of my cycle so can't wait to get some fish in it.
Really tetra should be 6+ imo, they're shoaling fish and would appreciate 6+ or even 10+
Maybe if you like the rams, go for
2 bolivian rams m/f
8 cardinal tetra
6 glowlight tetra/x-ray tetra
10 cherries
2 bolivian rams
6 cardinal tetra
6 diamond tetra?not sure if that would fit
what volume is your tank(couldn't see it anywhere..)
Is there another site that you'd recommend or is that the one everyone tends to use ??Might be a bit small for bolivian rams, especially with other fish. Dwarf gourami of some sort may be a better choice (not my subject). Although there are certainly dwarf cichlids that could fit.. whether you could have many other fish someone else will have to say! If you cycle your tank properly I don't see any problem in stocking 100%. Those things aren't all that strict, especially if you have a good filter. Where did you read that?
The diamond tetra might be a push... you just have to see what fish you like and keep researching them seperately. Takes time but aq-advisor is only a very rough guide. For example it says for me to keep my temp below 26 but my fish will prefer 27sometimes you can have more fish than it says too...
I just type it into google and get the 'average' really. Then I confirm it with the experienced members on here in tropical discussion
Well it's gonna be at least 2 groups of Tetras (not sure which) and 2 Red Dwarfs or 3 groups of tetras and no red Dwarfs...just can't decide on which one yet lol How many shrimp should I be placing in tank as one care sheet I read said 10 to keep them happy ???