Liverbird's New Fishless Cycle

Wow, stunning little guy! What are they like to keep? :)

And no worries... just use that IMG code and it'll work on most forums :good:

One of the easiest pets you could ever have !! You don't need any fancy equipment or uv lights. They need a heat pad on one side of tank and a cool hide on the other. You don't need loads of plants or branches as they don't really climb a lot. You just need to ensure they have a couple of kept moist on the warm side and that's it. I feed it every 3-4 days as it's adult now. It eats Crickets and Mealworms but far prefers the crickets. You clean the tank out completely once a month but remove any droppings daily. They always toilet in the same place. The only downside is they are nocturnal, but ours comes out loads during the day. They are the ideal first lizard as they really are so easy to keep. It cost me £30 as an 8wk old. NEVER keep two males together...As i bought them so young they couldn't be sexed and had no probs til they got older when the more dominant one killed the other. They are solitary lizards and are very happy being on their own. If ever you get one and need any advice just let me know.
Sounds good and fairly easy to care for... I do quite fancy some sort of lizard, the blue tongue skinks look fun... Just need some space! Cheers :)
I'd love a Chameleon, they aren't graet for handling but what the heck I could look at them all day. I'm a big Reptile fan. Want a Chilean Rose Spider too but yeah space is a bit of an issue lol
I'd want something that is like a dog in a lizards body :p with a good personality...

Bearded dragons are probably one of the best on the personality front. I'm not a fan of the standard ones probably 'cause everyone has them but you can get some stunning colour morphs. My local store sells blood red bearded Dragons and they are gorgeous. You pay a lot more for a morph though.

A very cautiously optimistic hooray !!! Nitrites have dropped this morning from off the chart to 2.0ppm. Fingers very tightly crossed.
I could be over reaching here but if I remember correctly you're using the nutrafin test kit. If so, have you ever tested the colour of the solution?

While using them I found that the ammonia and nitrate solutions can develop a slight tinge of yellow (ammonia) and and purple (nitrite) and result in false readings (happened to me during the middle of my cycle)

I could be over reaching here but if I remember correctly you're using the nutrafin test kit. If so, have you ever tested the colour of the solution?

While using them I found that the ammonia and nitrate solutions can develop a slight tinge of yellow (ammonia) and and purple (nitrite) and result in false readings (happened to me during the middle of my cycle)

Nah mate....i'm using the API test kit. Have shaken the bottle so hard I now have arms like Rambo lol
this may sound really stupid but try changing your dechlorinated, not sure why but when i started using stress coat, my stats stayed stable.........or it might just be me it did that too lol
this may sound really stupid but try changing your dechlorinated, not sure why but when i started using stress coat, my stats stayed stable.........or it might just be me it did that too lol

Have to get some more next week. Was going to get the Strees coat. I use the Interpet Tapsafe at the moment, don't know anything about it though. The Stress coat does look a lot better.

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