! ! ! Livebearer's Club ! ! !

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make it out of this fella please


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I have also bred Herotilapia multispinosa, kribensis and Betta splendens. None of those really struck my fancy the way that my wild type livebearers do. I still have some of the Herotilapia that breed regularly in my tanks and I just leave the fry to be eaten. After all, who needs 200 fry that nobody really wants.
This is the adult group that I keep. Actually there are 7 but one didn't want his picture taken.
I have also bred Herotilapia multispinosa, kribensis and Betta splendens. None of those really struck my fancy the way that my wild type livebearers do. I still have some of the Herotilapia that breed regularly in my tanks and I just leave the fry to be eaten. After all, who needs 200 fry that nobody really wants.
This is the adult group that I keep. Actually there are 7 but one didn't want his picture taken.
oldman47 you have some of the nicest fish i have ever seen :hyper: :good: :good: :hyper: :hyper:
Here they are Hughessomefish if you didn't get my PM:

Avatar molly pic was too big for a sig so I did a avatar (profile pic):




Use whatever you want! :) Hope you like them!
Back at last! And have sold 20 fry, about to sell 20 and going to sell 6 lol! My sister is now nearly crying because their will be ''no babies left'' lol

How has everyone been guys! talk to me... talk to me!!!
Ok, thanks! How is the holiday?

Well my guppy gave birth to 30 fry yesterday, bought a couple of guppies, mollies and platies as well as and external filter! Taken down marine tank, and planning/getting a new custom made tank around tye 1000L mark (220 odd gallons). I cant wait! :D it will happen in around 4-6 months time, selling my old 270L tank and saving up a lot of money!
Hey Duck and Dive... i have a guppy that looks almost identical to the one in your avatar! is there any way you could make me a sig like you made one for hughessomefish?? it would really be appreciated! :fun:
Hey, Can I join too?
I'm in Canada but does that matter?
What do we do in the club anyways? Sorry for all the silly questions... :unsure:
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