Live daphnia

You bet!! :thumbs:

I'm excited about them, I'm such a nerd,I keep going in and checking on them :lol: I think they've reproduced since I released them. Several females must have given birth because I see hundreds of bbs sized ones swimming around.
wuvmybetta said:
You bet!! :thumbs:

I'm excited about them, I'm such a nerd,I keep going in and checking on them :lol: I think they've reproduced since I released them. Several females must have given birth because I see hundreds of bbs sized ones swimming around.
LOL...Have you named them yet? :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Not yet :p

I'm dying to feed them to the babies, dying!! I have 4 babes in a seperate small tank due to tinyness and the 2 who were sick once upon a time. I fed them some daphnia today since it would only take a few to fill them up. They went crazy for it!! The daphnia are fast and bouncy like shrimp,kinda hard to catch,it was cute.
Here's what they look like (looking in from the end of a ten gallon)


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i dont understand, someone said*im too lazy to look* that they just took algae from a tank and got some daphnia, im not sure if it works this way or not. do you need some live daphnia first to get it started?
Well, I said that I took my bettas old tank water full of algea and my daphnia thrived on it, but I had live daphnia to begin with. Maybe that's what you are thinking of coconutman :dunno: That was just food for them, they didn't just appear. It would be cool if they did though then everyone would have daphnia lol

About aeration, you have to be very careful with any kind of bubbles in with daphnia b/c fine bubble can get stuck under their carapace from what I've read.


*freaking typos :lol: *

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