list your fish

todays additions

Botia rostrata and red eye tetra Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae

I've also added to the number of B.A.T.s and B.Striata :thumbs:
i only have 4bettas currently

Amy female multi plakat
flame male orange Veil tail
stary-female comb-spade tail
Buddy-male multi veil tail(hes blind)
Pictus catfish
21 Various guppies
12 Various tetra's
Khuli Loach
6 angel fish
balloon molly
6 sucking loach
A Very nice Red male fighter
2 Black widows
2 Tiger Barbs
2 large plec's
A unknown greedy large catfish
Unknown small cat fish
3 corys
2 blind cave fish
clown loach
Bolivan Ram
3 zebra loach
Polka Dot loach
4 large tetra kinda fish
unknown deformed fish (possibly platty),
4 gourami's
2 unknown tetra's/Danios.
My list isn't as extensive as some, but I am just getting started. This is kind of addicting. :huh:

2 Black mollies 1m 1f
2 Dalmation Sailfin 1m 1 f

Guppies-4 fancy 2m 2f
2 Guppy fry.
in 20gal community.
I have only just started keeping tropical fish.

I started with a 30L tank with:-
8 neon tetras
1 corydorus
1 ancistrus
2 golden angels

I have just inherited a 130L tank containing:-
16 Cardinal Tetras
3 Clown Loaches
3 Sucking Loaches
2 Corydorus
2 Sailfin Plecs
1 Discus
1 Red Tailed Shark

They are all living hapily together (so far!!) in the 130L Tank

AngelFish = Gold - Super Viel - Koi - Zebra - Tailess - Black Marble - Blushing
Gold Rams - Juvie

Firehead Tetra
Neon Tetra
Gold White Mountain Cloud Minnow

Blue Eyed

Banjo Cats
Indian Glass Cats
Panda Cory
Julli Cory
Pygmae Cory
Schwartzi Cory

Yo Yo Loach
Striped Kuhli Loach

Copper Rosetail Butterfly Male Fighter - Arriving From Thailand
Super Red Dragon Plakat Male Fighter - Arriving From Thailand

Cold Water:-
Waikin Goldfish
Weather Loach
Green Tench
Goldfish - Juvie

Non Fish:-
Glass Shrimp
Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Apple Snails

Coming Shortly:-
Threadfin Rainbow
Gertrudes Rainbow
Blue Spotted Rainbow
Armored Splashing Tetra - Hopefully
Hi-fin Panda Cory

9 neon tetras
3 leopard danios
1 zebra danio
1 male betta
4 platys
1 bristlenose pleco
3 sailfin mollys
1 albino cory (getting more soon)
1 bolivian butterfly

15 gal

1 blue gourami
1 kribensis
1 gold ram
2 serpae tetras (getting more soon)
My fish list changes quite often and I have gotten rid of a fair few fish as of late so my list is somewhat short atm.

4 peacock eels
a few dozen guppies (they sell well here and spit out fry fast so help pay for fish food, etc)
3 upside down catfish
about 15 glass shrimp
a few hundred pond snails (damn pests, they are a bugger to get rid of once they take hold, short of pulling the whole tank apart and blasting with boiling water. I don't trust dosing the tank due to my shrimp either)
1 trumpet snail

That's about it for freshwater I think.

Atm I am setting up a 15 gal saltwater nano which will hold some live rock, cleanup crew and a warty frogfish

The seahorse tank is on hold atm due to lack of funds (AGAIN!!!).
sorry not too good at this

hmmmm I think I have the shortest list so far...

3 male guppies
2 dwarf Gouramis (1m, 1f)
5 cory metae
3 botia striata
3 amano shrimp (yeah I know they aren't fish but it makes my list that bit longer)

Nope mines smaller!

2 x Columbian Red Finned Tetra!

3 Platys (2 Calico, one Rainbow - all females for now, and all are pregnant)


3 corys (2 Trilineatus, 1 Aenus)

That's all for now until my 29 gallonhas finished cycling.

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