list your fish

55 gallon- 1 severum
1 festivum
1 gold gourami
1 rainbow cichlid
1 spotted raphael
3 pictus catfish
1 senegal bichir
-1 Syno Ocellifer or eupterous soon
- 3 USD cats.

10 gallon- 1 angelfish
1 cory
1 gudgeon soon
2 lemon tetras
-2 zebra danios

9 Dwarf Sunset Platys
3-4 Dwarf Sunset Platy Fry
2 Dalmation Sailfin Mollies
2 Platys (Unkown Type)
4 Guppies
20-30 Guppy Fry


1 Leopard Danio
3 Zebra Danios


1 Common PLECO (yes, I always type out the full name and he is doing fine :rolleyes:)
1 Hara jerdoni


2 Veil Tail
1 Crown Tail

Salt Water:

1 Clown Triggerfish
1 Picasso Triggerfish


30-40 Ghost Shrimp
10-20 Ramshorn Snails
100 + Malaysian Trumpet Snails
1 Apple Snail

Salt Water Non-Fish:

10 Blue-Legged Hermit Crabs
1 Red-Legged Hermit Crab
Yay! Now have my new fish for my tank. :D
So joining the original 2 red platties, 4 tetras and 1 harlequin are;
3 more harlequins, 3 male endlers and 2 other fish I can't remember the name of. They're currently approx 1inch long, dark brownish with black stripes and striking blue eyes. Fins minimal in size and uncoloured. Very placid and friendly.
1 south american puffer
1 blue gourami
1 angel fish
9 platys
5 white clouds
1 black skirt tetra
5 peppered corys
3 otos
3 platy fry
2 male bettas

2 snails
2 pristella tetras
5 tiger barbs
8 serpae tetras
5 otto cats
1 pearl gourami
1 dwarf flame gourami
4 black neon tetras
1 rosy barb (not enough)
2 flame tetras (need more)
6 pearl danios
3 High-Fin Platies
2 Tuxedo Platies
5 Male Guppies
2 Female Guppies

2 Golden Rams
2 Gold Angel fish

4 Schultz's Cories
1 Bronze Cory
1 Raubuti Cory
3 San Juan Cories
1 Bristlenose Pleco
2 Pitbull Plecos

6 Diamond Neon Tetras
7 Leopard Danios

3 Golden Zebra Loaches
3 Gold Zebra Loaches (Yes, there is a difference between the 2!)
3 Angelicus Loaches
2 Indian Loaches
2 Dwarf Loaches

A bunch...I think around 12...but I need to go count. :*)

Oh yeah, and 2 Scarlet Badis Badis.
Pearl Gourami
Opaline Gourami
Gold Gourami
Bronz Cory
2 Giant Danios
Large Cherry Barb
Albino Cory
Dwarf Flame Gourami
Ghost Phantom
2 Bettas
Green Spotted x 1
figure 8 x 1
South American Puffers x 3
Red Eyes x 2

Other oddballs
Badis badis x 2
Badis Bengalensis (Scarlet badis) x 4
Dragon goby x 1
Peacock gudgeons x 7
Spotted goby x 2
Yellow goby x 1
Redhead goby x 1
Bumblebee gobies x 4

2 breeding pairs of Kribs
Lots of Krib fry at various stages of growth
Keyholes x 2
Bolivian Rams x 2
Blue rams x 2
Flag/sheepshead/smilling acaras x 4

Pair of clowns
Z Danios x 8
Red Rainbows x 5
Neon Rainbows x 5
Guppies x Lots
Neon Tetras x 14
khuli loaches x 2
Cory Julii x 5
Bronze cories x 6
Haplo cat x 1
female betta x 2
male betta x 1

I think thats all...

11 neons
1 bristlenose
4 Oto's
2 Bolivian Rams

(i had a guppy but it has dissapeared since i went away at the weekend :( )
Glowlight Tetras
Silvertip Tetras

Cory Metea
Cory Adolphi
Cory Haroldshultzi

Gold Nugget Plec
Bristlenose Plecs (and lots of fry :wub: )

Plattys - still hanging on in there :hyper:

Amano Shrimp
guppy fry
baby bala
blue gourami
3 platy
4 blue rams
2 flying foxes
4 neons
5 Copper Rasboras
3 Black Khulie Loaches
2 Sparkling gouramis

All in a 50 (uk)gallon tank.

I think I need to go fish shopping at the weekend!

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