Lighting Question


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2005
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On Ebay there is a Odyssea Jebo 48" 260 watt power compact. It has 2 cooling fans, mounting legs and comes with 2 65 watt daylight and 2 65 watt actinic bulbs. (I would replace the actinic, or maybe they would substitute, or, should I keep them if you guys say this is a good deal. The buy it now price is only $104 (US) and $18 shipping.

My current lighting is inadequate. It is a two bulb strip with a Coralview 50/50 (recommended by LFS)(before I found you guys) and a Hagen Life Glo 2 ( both 6500K). 40 watts so I am only getting 1.3 WPG

I cant add another strip light to the top of the tank, I am already struggling with the glass lids and I am in the tank daily.

Please pass on your suggestions soon!
I am so dissapointed that nobody has replied. I have been struggling in the attempt to get the lighting right in my tank and nobody has any opinion on these compact light fixtures.

Does anybody have an opinion? I have two kids in braces on their teeth, so don't want to purchase something that I really don't need, or that won't help. :(
im guessing you have about a 30 gallon tank?
( you said you have 40 watts now and are getting 1.3wpg)

If thats the case with 260 watts youd have like 8.6wpg with the lights youre asking about...
Thats pretty dern high!! Youd DEFF have to start CO2 in a tank like that... and EI dosing would prob follow....

Also, di guess the daylight bulbs would be 'ok', but the actinic would NOT be ok on a freashwater tank...
Youd have to swap em out for say 6700k bulbs... at about $25-$30 each....

It may just be cheaper to buy a Coralife hood with (2) 65 watt 6700k bulbs in it....about $120 with the bulbs...

I have this combo on my 50 gallon tank, along with another 40 watt nutri bulb, putting me at 3.4wpg...
Course anytime you go over 2wpg, you need to start looking at CO2 injection....

Hope that helps ya out :)
No, see my signature. I have a 55 US and I have a two light strip fixture that has 2-40 watt bulbs in it now. A Hagen Life Glo 2 (6700K) and a Corallife 50/50 (6500K-recommended to me for plants from my LFS). Subtracting the substrate and bogwood I have around 50 gal thus the 1.3WPG (unless I am doing the maths wrong?). :S I do have CO2 (DIY) I also have Laterite in the substrate (which is silica sand). BTW, I have a third 55 and some of the fish have been relocated from the planted tank to the third 55.

I have HTB Emporer 400, that I have foam in the outflow to still the water movement across the top. My current system is on a siesta timeline, on 5 hours off 3 on again for 6. I hope this gives enough information, I really just want to know about increasing the light. I cannot put another fixture on the top of the tank, no room because of the filter.
Ok.. gottcha :)

so you have (2) 40 watt bulbs now....
over 50 gallons... so you have 1.6wpg.... (80/50=1.6)

Youd be at 5.2wpg with the lights youre thinking about buying (260/50=5.2).

I thinking overkill.. ;)

I had the exact setup as you to start out with.... (2) 40 watt bulbs with no room left on my 50 gallon tank...
I pulled the 1 strip light off(the front one) and replaced it with a Coralife hood with 2 bulbs....orginallly the 50/50 bulbs, but then changed em to 6700k bulbs

The 50/50 bulbs didnt do very well.. grew green water due to the 03 actinic half of the bulb....

After replacing em with 6700k bulbs i have had great luck with them so far :)

This is what i'd buy:
48" Freshwater Aqualight
Single Linear Strip Light
(130W Total)
I was looking at the Coralife compact fluorescents, I can get a freshwater setup with 2 65W bulbs. If I switched to that, I would get 130 watts, or 2.6wpg. Certainly better than I have, but will it be enough to get a lushly planted tank like you guys have? I wish they made these light systems so they would hinge up and out of the way when a person is working inside of the tank.

My third 55 has a single 48" strip, I suppose I could rob that and lay it across in front or behind the Coralife to get an additional 40 watts. it won't look good though, and this tank is in my living room (no big screen here, just the 2 55 gal tank stack!) tells you where my priorities are, LOL, much to the disappointment of my kids!

How do you guys access your tanks with those mega light fixtures? My tank is on an iron stand (second 55 below) so top of it is above my chest. (I am not tall). Third 55 is in my bedroom (no TV there either).
Wanted to say thanks for the suggestions, and tell you what I ended up ordering. I especially want to thank you Pseud for all of your suggestions, and my plants thank you also. (Can't wait to get the Riccia! ) I ordered a JBJ 130W power compact. I went with this one because it has 2 fans built in to help dissipate heat build up. I am frugal, so in the summer keep my house warmer than average (82) so I think the fans will help to not heat up that top layer of the tank. This particular one has legs that will allow me to tip it up (not sure if they will work with the glass canopy, but will know soon enough I suppose.) The dealer will switch the bulbs and give me two 6700K daylight inplace of the reef bulbs it comes with. I may add a bit more light with a couple of 10 gal flourescents, or, I can do some swapping and use a single 48" from another tank to raise the wattage more (if I need it). Once again, thanks!
Oh, you're welcome :)

I hope you're able to post some pics of your tank wendy...

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