life span


Aug 16, 2005
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Oregon, United States
I just read a profile that says cory cats live 3 to 5 years well I have had three of mine for over 5 years now. How long have your lived? I love my little cories, hope they live a lot longer then 5 years.

on a side note am setting my old 29 gallon up and am thinking of going sand bottom and moving my 5 speckled cories into it. Any suggestions on what would go good with them? Please dont say guppies :) lol not my favorite fish by any means use them as feeders.
oh yeah ashamed to say it but never done sand before and heard catfish are sensitive to what sand you use. Is this true, and if so what sand do you recommend? Sorry if you have heard this a hundred times. lol just back to the forum got wrapped up in life and was doing only the basics for my tanks forgot to sit down and enjoy them and wow I forgot how much I love them.
they seem pretty strong. mine are two now and fit as a fiddle. they've loved through whitespot outbeaks and a fungus infection which killed all my fish off.

my friend has some which are four.
some types of corys can potentially live to about 10 years old in a well kept tank with nice fine substrate.

Obviously it varies from species to species, but I was speaking to a customer a couple of weeks back that said he had some Sterbai Corys that were 7 years old.

I have a friend who when I told him I'd just bought some Cory's said that he had kept one that lived for twenty years.

I've never known him to exaggerate before.
Well, I got 6 near the beginning of the year, and the last one died today. They were full grown when I got them though, I kindof suspect they may have been returned to the shop by someone.
I've read an article which said bronze corys could live up to 34 years. Can't find the thing now though i think it was on the site. I've had mine for 5 years and still going strong.

its perfectly reasonable. Most synodontis catfish could easily live up to 30 years, and some pimelodus catfish much longer! Red-Tail catfish and shovelnose are known to live up to 50 years if kept in a large enough tank.... I hope my 2 Limas do well in a 6x2x2.

Yep, 34 years is reasonable, after all, its not old age that kills them, its diseases related to a weakend immune system that comes with age. Or something like that. So by keeping them in very clean water, they'll live a lot longer than usualy expected.
I know a guy on another board with some Peppered's who are 14 years old and I have seen some Bronze cories said to be over 30 years old so 5-6 is on the short end of the lifespan.

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