Lie To Me

The lie has been selected so I'll give the answer:
I have no daughters so Shelster wins with no.1
Yay yay yay!!

1. I have three children under three.
2. I have two children under three
3. I have one child under three.
Maybe a bit tired here and not thinking straight, but how can 2 of those be true Shelster? lol
1 must be a lie because if he has 2 under 3, one can be under three. BOOM.
Haha! Definitely feeling tired then! lol
Think I'd better get off to bed.
Before I go I'll guess no.2!
Oh rats how can I not get this right lol let me try again:

1. I'm currently drinking a milky ovaltine (with marshmallows)
2. I'm watching rude tube
3. I'm drinking a milky coffee

Sorry I'm rubbish at this, then when I do get one right I can't reply properly - ill blame it on baby brain lol
Rude tube sounds a bit like p**n to me so I'll guess that 2 is a lie.
Man of fish you're the winner! :D

No TT rude tube isn't that, it's a selection of popular clips from YouTube :)
Yay I win!

1. I'm on my way to school.
2. I'm on the school bus.
3. I'm eating a granola bar.

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