Lets See Some Baby Monsters!

"-.- did it ever occur to you guys saying negative things the old saying? If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all... I agree that it may seem a little bit paculiar that the pictures are old ones, however I've posted old pictures on sites before and I bet some people on here have aswell... It matters not the age of thr photo, it matters the quality and quantitity...
It's not that they are old (and if you look, I have said nothing about th epictures being old), it's just that within a month this tank has gone from being owned by the 12 year old OP, to being owned by him at his uncle's house to being owned by his uncle to being at his school.

Don't forget about the green house!
Half of the things you are saying arent true. Here are the facts, in order

Location of tank: greenhouse at my school
Owner: school
Cared for by: me (age 12)
Took pictures: uncle

o btw, the aro isnt infected, he just overate :) hes back to normal

anyway pll! I wanted other ppl to pst pics! I didnt want to show off my same pics again!
I'm part of the aqua havens program, which also goes on in neighboring wilde lake middle school. It is a program where kids take care of fish. I have been fish obsessed my whole life, so I do a huge amount of extra hours and take care of tanks were ppl neglect their fish. One pair never even feeds them :sick: i'd like to slap them silly! They manange a 90 gallon reef. 90 GALLONS! how do they give such incompetant idiots such a tank? well, I do my best to help with that one. Its got the friendlest porcipine puffer you'll ever meet.
Why would there be a program like that for such young people? I know this is stirring the pot, but I know people barely out of high school that don't know pH from temperature.
Why would there be a program like that for such young people? I know this is stirring the pot, but I know people barely out of high school that don't know pH from temperature.

Because some young people are smart and responsible? :huh:
i wish i had a program like that at my school!
what it really boils down to is how devoted someone is to the fishkeeping hobby.all of us here have enough devotion to be able to talk about fish all day long and be ok with that.haha i know i am.i like to google at canes or cfcs pics.haha.
Why would there be a program like that for such young people? I know this is stirring the pot, but I know people barely out of high school that don't know pH from temperature.

maybe they dont...doesnt mean others cant. i had a program similar when i was in school. it was in the country so maybe thats what made the difference but we had all sorts of animals that students were assigned to look after. it was a thing for learning about animals and the responsibility needed to care for them. we had sheep, rabbits, rats/mice, goats, a pig and three fish tanks. one tank was in the main office, the other in the library and the third one in agricultural studies. each semester it would change who looked after each thing but when you were assigned an animal you were responsible for their care from feeding to cleaning to whatever else they needed.

i personally cant understand why this seems a weird thing to do. here in australia class/school pets are quite common. i mean really, is there any point arguing with a youngen about wether or not he has tanks at his school? why would he lie about that? do you know him personally?? no so you cannot judge. too many people on here like to judge others wether they are new or you cant figure it out so it must be a lie...irritates me no end. not to mention the other degrading ways people can talk to you in here. if he has a school with fish tanks then so be it. i personally cant find anything worth being confused about here...no really, i cant!

fishrfine - keep up your passion for your fish. one day you will get a nice tank of your own and then people can stop second guessing and you can show off your fish to us :) some people get a little uptight in here but for the most part ignore it. take the facts out of the ranting and raving and always ask in more than one place and take many peoples advice. you are young and still learning and you are bound to make mistakes. dont let those who have little time for anything other than finding fault in people get to you :)
invader with key... arse off, thx... it's not high school, it's grade school, he's 12, they have a program... what's wrong with that? Even we have pets at school, although smaller... I've heard of (and seen) a biology teacher having an indian python as a class animal... It actually helps children learn why it's important to care for nature... Although I agree that some fish aren't really compatible and stuff, but I'm sure fishrfine is doing his best to sort that out - it's not that easy to just remove stuff in a school owned fish tank... As for him caring the for the tank... If he has the knowledge for it, why not.It's not like many other people know what to do and I imagine teachers love doing less work. I know I would love to do so (well most of the time).

</rant off>
my little spotted gar chilling out on the bottom


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I'm part of the aqua havens program, which also goes on in neighboring wilde lake middle school. It is a program where kids take care of fish.

From what I understand the Aqua Havens program is more of a gifted students program. They tend to think outside the box with programs like these, at times very much so.
I thought the tank was in a home
for the mentally retarded?
Or was this another forum?

Sorry if i got it wrong :rolleyes:
Who cares!!!

He wants to see other peoples pictures if you have any then post some,
if you dont then dont reply with carless messages. Hes only 12!

FshRFine well done mate ill post some pictures up of my ronnie and reggie the Oscars in a bit.

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