Just as a quick update on everyone else - I did a BIG (like 40%) water change on my girls last night, and by this morning already most of the rips, tears and pinholes had already disappeared.
Lucky is back to his nutzo flaring psychotic self, and Louis is back to being as active as a blind betta can be. heh
Poor Charlie sits off to the side of my bed on my nightstand so he has had a nice quiet resting spot to reocover these past weeks - and was in that water too. I hadn't thought until last night to check on him... I flipped on the light last night and he was curled up in a C and floating up at the top. My heart sank. I thought he was a goner, too. He moved when I grabbed the tank to run to the kitchen with it. His swim bladder issue was back in full force - not only could he not get down from the top of the tank, but he was tipped over fully on his side, and it had him trapped up at the top. But - I pulled him out, gave him a full water change, and the second he got back into the fresh water he was fine, swimming around again and had no swim bladder issues.
It's amazing I didn't lose anybody else.