Less Then Two Weeks Later


New Member
Mar 15, 2009
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My keyholes have spawned again. It’s been less then two weeks since they tried last time, didn’t expect them to try again so soon, unfortunately the eggs only lasted two days before they ate them. Im hoping they won’t eat them this time, it’s their second attempt so with any luck they will have more success with this clutch. Looks like there are almost twice as many eggs as last time.
I have a few questions maybe somebody can help.

Don’t want to disturb them too much but need to do a water change, will this cause them to eat the eggs?
How long do Keyhole eggs take to hatch?
Once they hatch how long before they have used up all the yolk and need to be fed? Is it just a case of observing them until they are no longer just swimming balls?

Any help, advice or tips will be much appreciated
hi this is the second time so may work this time, this is about right 10day's :good:
leave them for the moment once they hatch and grow you can change some water.......should be 2 day's from laid to hatching and about 7-8 for free swimming, once you notice egg sack disapearing then feed
Thanks nelly for the info.
I read somewhere that you can tell if the eggs have been fertilized by their colour is this tru? If so what colour should they be? what colour is bad?
There's 1 or 2 white ones the rest are a clear brown colour.
The parents are constantly fanning them usually the female,
but the male takes his turn when she is out lookin for food.
There's 1 or 2 white ones the rest are a clear brown colour.
The parents are constantly fanning them usually the female,
but the male takes his turn when she is out lookin for food.
Hiya, I'm in the same boat. My Keyholes have just laid eggs and are doing well fending off the other fish in my tank, mainly the Firemouths. This is the 1st clutch they have laid so fingers crossed. I have a couple of white eggs but looking good so far.
Ive had the same thing happen with my convicts. They had their first batch 3 weeks ago and a week after they hatched they were all gone, and then they had more. Mine are about a week old now and im debating as to whether or not to seperate them...i amy leave it till the end of the weekend. They are all swimming round their pod but not coming out for food and i want to get food to them.

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