Leopard Danio question

Hmm mine look like the one on the site, I thought they were a purpely colour but they seem not to be as I inspect them more.
Also, I have a 30"x12"x15" community tank with 2 leopard danios, how many would I need for them to be happy?
I have 6 in my tank and they seem happy, they chase each other around all the time and hardly ever seem to stay still.
5 would be the min group size I recomend
I have a 180 litre tank with
6 cories
5 black ruby barbs
1 platy
10 neons
6 leopard danios

Hope this helps you
I have seen pearl danios that kind of look like what your talking about. Dont know if they are dyed but they have a purplish tint to them, and they kind of have spots or stripes, cant remember.
Leopard danios prefer being in a group of 5 or more like The Wolf said. The more the better. I have a group of 10 leopard and 10 zebra danios and they never stop chasing each other! Zebras and Leopards go well together too! :)
I think you can keep mixed groups of danios together no problem, but I think you would be better off with 3 leopards and 3 zebras as they prefer being in bigger groups.

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