Leichardti, Cichla, Datnoid

Wow, only 16 and all that! I don't think my parents would let me have much more than what i already have!! (i'm 17 getting on for 18)

Is there any reason for not stocking the tanks quite hard? I mean like litering the bottom with catfish and bichirs etc
WOW! Your tanks are awsome. I wish i could get big tanks like those! Very nice fish too, you know what you are doing :D .
I've always loved the look of Tiger Datnoids, but have never owned any. Can you share their specifics (size, care, behaviour) or perhaps post a link to some good Tiger Datnoid info?

Always planning the next tank on the horizon... always... :lol:
Paul_MTS said:
Wow, only 16 and all that! I don't think my parents would let me have much more than what i already have!! (i'm 17 getting on for 18)

Is there any reason for not stocking the tanks quite hard? I mean like litering the bottom with catfish and bichirs etc
Well the tanks are only about 2 months old. So its still in the early stages.

The Leichardti wont tolerate anything so he is on his own.

I want the bottom tank just for datnoids. I am getting 4 more sometime soon.

And the fact that I live in Australia. We cant get any of the awesome catfish and birchirs etc. And if we can its for a huge price. Datnoids are expensive enough :lol:

The cichla tank is just a grow out and I just want cichla in there anyway. When I get my huge tank I probably will combine the datnoids with the cichla.
Big Rob said:
I've always loved the look of Tiger Datnoids, but have never owned any. Can you share their specifics (size, care, behaviour) or perhaps post a link to some good Tiger Datnoid info?

Always planning the next tank on the horizon... always... :lol:
When I get home from school ill put up some general info.
I almost burnt down the house when I was that age. It's easier than it seems... Just to think if I had those aquariums in there I wouldn't have to worry what with the 600 gallons of instant entire-house fire extinguishers. Just make sure never to play baseball indoors. ;)
What size were your Cichla when you got them and how long did they take to reach 7 inches? I have one at 4" which seems to be taking ages to grow despite being fed 3 times a day with frozen feeder fish.

Nice tanks&fish BTW.
My cichla are 6 months old. They are just starting to color up too. How long have you had yours?
Ive had mine about 3 months, when i got it they had been feeding it nothing but frozen bloodworm once a day at the store so it was very thin, but it was eager to eat so i decided to take the risk and buy it. Its been eating steadily since i got it but apart from doubling in girth hasnt really put on any other noticable growth. The colours quite good but i was expecting the 1" a month growth that other Cichla owners have talked about.

Information on Couis microlepis (Indo Datnoid) here http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=34713


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CFC said:
Ive had mine about 3 months, when i got it they had been feeding it nothing but frozen bloodworm once a day at the store so it was very thin, but it was eager to eat so i decided to take the risk and buy it. Its been eating steadily since i got it but apart from doubling in girth hasnt really put on any other noticable growth. The colours quite good but i was expecting the 1" a month growth that other Cichla owners have talked about.

Information on Couis microlepis (Indo Datnoid) here http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=34713
I wouldnt worry about it too much. You are doing the right thing about feeding it a lot. These guys have growth spurts. I didnt have a 1 inch per month growth rate. Mine grew from 1 inch to 3 inches in the first 2 months then stopped growing for a while. Then suddenly in one month they packed on 3 inches. Then stopped growing again.... so im expecting a growth spurt soon B)

IMO a varied diet is the key. Anything from bloodworms, beefheart, prawns, chicken breast and white bait. Water changes once a week would benefit aswell.

I also have a group of 3 so competition for growth is also a factor.


Thanks all for the comments :D
Here are a couple more pics. Ill get some more recent ones 2night.

Im putting a deposit on 4 more of these guys today :hey:


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