Leaving The Hobby For A While

scotty said:
going to have a go at crystal red shrimp i have cherries at the moment
Cool I have a Crystal Red Shrimp tank and find them easy to breed, I do keep them in RO water which has been remineralised with TMC Discus Pro, when you get yours breeding we could start an exchange project. 
Quick pic of my set up; there are over 75 shrimp in there now. I started this tank to try and make some £$£ buy selling the shrimp but tend to just swap them with my LFS for any fish I want. 
scotty said:
i have some ottos ,pygmy corys,bronze corys and fry and a couple of german blue rams left
Have you got any plants you don't need scotty? I might be interested in helping you out with them if you do!
I would say you would get more money by selling individual bits, but if you just want it out of the way its quicker to sell everything together.
so i maybe just try and sell the tank with filters and heaters,sell the plants,fish,bogwood and redmoor root seperately
Well if the price is right, I'll buy your fish off you. In 1 bundle. They'll all do well in my tank.

Drop me a pm with details if you decide to go through with it.


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