Fish Crazy
Hi Johnlenham
I don't like the way that albino looks at all. If you're sure those spots on it aren't just sand, then it does look like ich. Corys are very resistant to it, but it could happen. Be sure before you treat it because the treatment requires raising the temperature and that will make a bacterial infection worse if that's what is really going on in your tank.
Hmm now ive looked again and it dosent look like that anymore! must have been sand kicked up by the others

Its really getting to me that I cant work out whats wrong with him, a second ago I could have sworn he was a fake fish! was checking him out and spotted the little buggers had dug up one of my plants, reached in a replanted and gave him alitle poke.. sat there... another prod..sat there... gave a little push and he moved a few inches, the others when I reached in you couldn't see for dust.
I guess ill do a half dose when this stuff arrives as I suppose its better to be safe than sorry.
Anything you could come up with as to what would make him so lifeless compared to all the others? again apologies for all the questions!
Oh and I suppose I should say im going away for the weekend so maybe with me not here all day he will snap out of his strange way and be back to normal.