Latest Pic Of My Nano

tank looks ok i would like to see some more live rock in there and maybe some fish such as a firefish orsome clowns.............
tank looks ok i would like to see some more live rock in there and maybe some fish such as a firefish orsome clowns.............

The live rock I am really worried that I may add to much, there is 4Kg of LR in there and really don't want to add so much that I will have problems later, when I go to add corals. I can also only add two fish, one of which I have, its little Yellow clown goby. The other is going to be a Dottyback.

This is the latest picture

Is all of your live rock leaning against that one pane of glass in your tank? Not only will it be a pain to scrub algae off the glass but it will put a lot of pressure, you dont want to risk a break...

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