Last Time I Let The Missus Go Solo To A Lfs


May 5, 2010
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Fife - Scotland
My fiancee phoned me on her way home last night and said she was passing a LFS and was there anything I wanted. I asked her to try and get me 10-12 corys either 2 5's or 3 4's I sat back and thought thats that sorted how wrong can she get it ?

Apparently very :blush: She got 10 corys all right (all they had) but from studying pics on my laptop while sitting beside the tank I'm 99.9% sure what I actually have is :sad:

4 X Leopard Cory
3 X Pepper Cory
2 X Albino Cory
1 X Sterbai Cory

I could cry :angry: I've told her its ok ... yadda yadda but now she's at work I've set about figuring out the best way to fix this situation hence I'm looking for advice from you guys on whats the best thing to do.
Go to the fish store and change the cories for the one you want, its not too late.
BTW what is the 'leopard cory', dont you mean Julli cory :rolleyes:
Leopard is Julli one yep - They only had 10 so i'd probably have to take back all that are > 4 I take it and keep just the leopard/julli
How big is the tank? and whats the stocking?
You could keep 2 types and as they come in try to get a group of 5 of the 2. Its not ideal but for a short amount of time it shouldnt matter to much.
Tank is 240 L

current stock is

10 X Khuli Loach
25 X Harlequin Rasborra
12 X Diamond Tetra
1 X Betta Splendens (Male)

+ obv the above cory
I think you could get away with 4 of each of them types of corys. The onyl other bottom dwellers are the khulis and they make very little waste so i dont think there would be that much of a problem.
Brainstorm time !

I'm buying a 2nd tank in next few weeks to begin cycling it. What I think i might do is get up to 4 of each (takes tank overall to 100% stocked according to THAT site ;p When 2nd tank is cycled I'll transfer 2 x 4 Cory over to it meaning my current tank has 8 (2x4) and so does new tank.

Assuming i can get all 4 types to 4 in a short time frame that is. Would that work ?
Yeah that would be fine. The corys will be fine for a while if you can find any others soon. Its better than taking them back because evan at the lfs there likely just to get sold in them numbers agin.
How big is the tank? and whats the stocking?
You could keep 2 types and as they come in try to get a group of 5 of the 2. Its not ideal but for a short amount of time it shouldnt matter to much.

Are you not suppsed to keep more than one type of cory!? I was never aware of this if you were oops.

At the moment I have 1 Adult bronze, 1 Juvinile bronze, 2 adult peppered, and 1 juvinile peppered.

Should I not have that?
How big is the tank? and whats the stocking?
You could keep 2 types and as they come in try to get a group of 5 of the 2. Its not ideal but for a short amount of time it shouldnt matter to much.

Are you not suppsed to keep more than one type of cory!? I was never aware of this if you were oops.

At the moment I have 1 Adult bronze, 1 Juvinile bronze, 2 adult peppered, and 1 juvinile peppered.

Should I not have that?
Its not that you cant keep more than one type but if you do you need to have atleast 4 of each type. You could do with adding another pepper corys and since bronze and albino corys are the same type just different colour strain you might get away with adding one more albino and 1 more bronze

4 peppers
2 albino 2 bronze corys.

But more would be better.
How bigs the tank? whats the stocking? how many LPH is the filter?

thanks for the reply, I will definately get another peppered and two mreo bronzes, the tank is the one in my sig,

180 Ltr.
1 x 6" Angelfish (it's female partner of which they bred alot recently passed away, as they are both very old)
8 x Glowlight Tetra
1x Female Opaline Gourami
The cories, as mentioned above
1 x Panda Garra/Garra Flavatra
2x Congo Tetra (looking to rehome to somebody that has more of them, this tank was second hand off of ebay 2 years ago, so they came with the tank, so i had to have them.)

Filter is An External Rena Filstar XP2

Flow Rate - 1050lph
Water flow (with media and tubing) - 620lph
Hi FishyWishie :)

4 X Leopard Cory
3 X Pepper Cory
2 X Albino Cory
1 X Sterbai Cory

Before you do anything more, you should find out just what fish you have. The "leopard corys" might be many things but are almost certainly not C. juliis. Real C. juliis are extremely rare and it's not likely you will be finding any of them at the lfs. If they were labeled julii, there's a fair chance they might be C. trilineatus, another fine fish.

Or, if their noses are longer than the fish in in pictures, they could be something else entirely.

Your Pepper Cory is most likely C. paleatus.

The albinos might be either C. paleatus, C. aeneus, C. sterbai, or a number of less common fish. Chances are they are probably C. aeneus.

Corys get along well together in most respects, however, C. sterbai call for higher water temperature than the others. :)

thanks for the reply, I will definately get another peppered and two mreo bronzes, the tank is the one in my sig,

180 Ltr.
1 x 6" Angelfish (it's female partner of which they bred alot recently passed away, as they are both very old)
8 x Glowlight Tetra
1x Female Opaline Gourami
The cories, as mentioned above
1 x Panda Garra/Garra Flavatra
2x Congo Tetra (looking to rehome to somebody that has more of them, this tank was second hand off of ebay 2 years ago, so they came with the tank, so i had to have them.)

Filter is An External Rena Filstar XP2

Flow Rate - 1050lph
Water flow (with media and tubing) - 620lph
I think you could eisly get away with
5 pepper corys
5 albino corys
5 bronze corys
Excellent thanks, any particular sex I should go for? at the moment iam fairly certain that the one adult bronze and two adult peppered's are all females.

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