Last One To Post Here Wins

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Its rainy here also today, but that's because of the warm front that's coming through... That's where the hot and humid weather takes over and it should be miserable here in a few short days...  We've had a lovely spring up to now, but I think summer is really here now.  (Time for the A/C!!!)
stealing the win, sat here wet and soggy from washing my tank out, now to do some sand, oh the joys ....
Well I am supposed to go to the movies tonight with some friends ;) haha bit it might get cancelled because one of them has baseball :(
it hasn't been that warm here this year... we have had a couple warm days but not much. i'm going to get some more tiger barbs today. only have 4 left :p
ahh thanks eagles... the thread is much more interesting now :)
so i am not really looking forward to the next few days at school because we are going to be refinishing a fire escape :( that means scraping, priming, and painting. can't wait.....
I am currently waiting to find out from my employer (school) if I can leave 4 days early to go work at Arizona State University!  So, I'll be 'missing work' to do 'other work'!  :lol:
How crazy is that?  The things you do as an adult!!!  Enjoy your youth while you have it.
I woke up to my tetras all staring at me. That's never happened before now. I look at the watch and holy cow! It's 7:45!
Were you late with breakfast?!
I still haven't had it, it's cooking in the toaster. :)
Good thing I don't need to work today. ;) :cool:
I meant the fish breakfast, not yours! :p
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