Last One To Post Here Wins

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blackops said:
ok so I am guessing I am the youngest hear so in the end I will win
What are you trying to say?! 

My paternal grandfather died at 81, from a car accident (after working a full day on his farm).  He wasn't wearing his seatbelt.  I always do.
My maternal grandfather died at 86, from emphysema (after smoking like a chimney since the time he was 12 until he was 80).  I never smoked.
How are your genes?  :flex:  :hey:
eaglesaquarium said:
My 110 gallon tank is bigger volume than all your tanks combined.  :p  Add my 55 gallon, and its no contest... Plus I have some empties too.  Another 50, 20, 10 and even a 1 gallon 'box'.  :p
Nope. My 120 gallon reef tank. Boom. Then I have my 29 gallon fw community, my 20 gallon SW qt and my 10 gallon fw qt. plus a 10 gallon and a 5 gallon empty.
The point was that tank size, and number don't matter.  Only post number.  And as #4953, I win!
Bring something intelligent to the conversation, not juvenile nonsense from the playground!
For example:
The weather report put my two least favorite "H" words together in reference to the upcoming weather in my area:  Hot and Humid.
I really will lock this thread if people continue to post like this - you've been warned.
Bring something interesting to discuss or don't post.
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