Last One To Post Here Wins

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Bump it up too four cherry barbs. Personally, I like Glowlight tetras the best.

Thanks ok if I can do that. I keep on top of weekly 40% + water changes with a 350 gph filter so I guess I could add 2 extra cherries. I like the glowlights but they're not my favorite ;)
Well it was like nothing I've ever heard before........
Any opinions on this???

3 Molly
1 platy
2 bolivians
10-15 tetras ( pristellas 10-13 mix of gold and regular, cardinals12-15, espes rasboras 12-17 please help me decide!!!!!!)
1 candy-stripe pleco (any other suggestions?)
4 cherry barbs
wow i had to go through 6 pages of 'new posts' to find this thread
Actually, I'm winning, sooooooo........

in my poll the pristellas are losing with espes and cardinals both at 6. HelP me decide. Also what would you go for:
Green phantom pleco
Blue phantom

Any opinions on this???

3 Molly
1 platy
2 bolivians
10-15 tetras ( pristellas 10-13 mix of gold and regular, cardinals12-15, espes rasboras 12-17 please help me decide!!!!!!)
1 candy-stripe pleco (any other suggestions?)
4 cherry barbs
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