Last One To Post Here Wins

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Your too lucky :p I'm gonna send my leprechaun over to take some from you :p
Sounds like someone needs the Kuhli Kavalry to set up perimeter defences.... :shifty:
I do but no thanks, I am good paying the small fees at the LFS vs shipping costs ;) and yeah crossfire send your kavalry out :p
Hey what do you guys think of my future stock

8-10x Cardinal Tetras
2x Peacock Gobies
2x Sparkling Gouramis
6x Kuhli Loaches
2x Amano Shrimp
undetermined (but >10) cherry shrimp or other neocardinia species

I won't use purigen because of almond leaves, but I will compensate the stocking by simply going bigger weekly water changes. I usually do 2 buckets, but I will have to do 3 then. Whaddya think?
Any advice on my stock?? Help me pick out tetras too and maybe a different pleco! And help me on the numbers!!!

3 Molly
1 platy
2 bolivians
10-15 tetras (glow-lights12-15, embers 12-15, pristillas 10-13, rummy-nose 10-14, cardinals12-15, neons 12-15, goldens 10-12 please suggest)
1 clown plec/ or candy-stripe pleco and 1 bn
2 cherry barbs
Not bad not bad? Ok i will addmit it i LOVE your stock

Any advice on my stock?? Help me pick out tetras too and maybe a different pleco! And help me on the numbers!!!

3 Molly
1 platy
2 bolivians
10-15 tetras (glow-lights12-15, embers 12-15, pristillas 10-13, rummy-nose 10-14, cardinals12-15, neons 12-15, goldens 10-12 please suggest)
1 clown plec/ or candy-stripe pleco and 1 bn
2 cherry barbs

I think the platy will get lonely by itself, I would go with either a mixture of pristella and gold pristella (albinos) or cardinals or rummy nose. I like the candy-stripe plec. Other than that, looks nice!

Could use some kuhli loaches though :hey:
Here's what I'm thinking now:

3 Molly
2 platy
2 bolivians
10-15 tetras ( pristellas 10-13 mix of gold and regular, cardinals12-15, espes rasboras 12-17 please suggest)
1 candy-stripe pleco and 1 bn (any other suggestions?)
2 cherry barbs
Bump it up too four cherry barbs. Personally, I like Glowlight tetras the best.
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