Last One To Post Here Wins

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Well, you know what to do then.  ;)
eaglesaquarium said:
I just graduated from 8th grade high school here I come! It's bittersweet. A lot of my friends ill never see again....
You better hope you don't end up in my class. 
I can be mean.
whoa eagles what grade are you in?? ????
I teach 9th graders, along with other grades. ;)
everybody stopped posting. normally i have at least 30 notifications. :p
Haven't we been over this enough to realize that in the end, it will just be me and you, TLM in a moderator death match to determine the final winner of this thread?
Yeah, but I like everyone to know that I will prevail.
the_lock_man said:
Yeah, but I like everyone to know think that I will prevail.
We Americans have defeated you "Brits" in the past and saved you from the Germans twice.  :p
Stiff upper lip and all that though. ;)
eaglesaquarium said:
Yeah, but I like everyone to know think that I will prevail.
We Americans have defeated you "Brits" in the past and saved you from the Germans twice. 

Stiff upper lip and all that though.
Ouch !   But I think you forget that Britain Rules the Waves ;D
TallTree01 said:
Americans: powerful, arrogant and a pain in everyone's neck.

I win.
That's us - and proud of it!  :flex:  
You forgot loud and boorish. :p
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