Last One To Post Here Wins

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RCA said:
I would like to propose that the word winning or any connotation of the said word should be banned forever from this topic.  Intelligent posts only (sorry if this means some may not be able to join in) with some added meaning vs one liners of just nonsense 
Proposal denied, like TallTree would have taken a blind bit of notice anyway.
And I'm winning.
@RCA: Yes I am :) Was about to go post it now. She's still not got the last 1-2 out but they've moved closer to her vent so I think she was just "taking a break" when I found her lol.
the_lock_man said:
I would like to propose that the word winning or any connotation of the said word should be banned forever from this topic.  Intelligent posts only (sorry if this means some may not be able to join in) with some added meaning vs one liners of just nonsense 
Proposal denied, like TallTree would have taken a blind bit of notice anyway.
And I'm winning.
Ouch!  That's got to hurt, even a little.
Referring, of course, to TLM as I am clearly winning.
Honestly, I think that its a good idea, but it would be impossible to enforce - unless TLM or I locked it at the next inane post.  Of course, there's been 244 pages of inane posts.  Why change it now?

Eventually, someone will do something in this thread so stupid that it will force us to lock it - and either me or the_lock_man will end up winning.   
BTW, did anyone else noticed TLM's username was MADE for moderation?   Its like he knew when he signed up.
@ TT - Your "friend" can cite Australian rules all day.  This is an international forum - each person needs to use their proper grammar from their native country.  Besides, quoting an "anonymous" friend, with no link is very bush league in a forum.  Cite a website that deals with that specific rule.  I found one for the US.  If it is a rule, then there should be one somewhere to provide us with a link.  I'd be happy to concede the point, were you providing concrete proof.  Besides, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster ("Nessy") and I talked it over, and we voted unanimously that your friend is not real without concrete proof of their existence.
Please note the different usage of the "comma - and" rule.  First, is a list - no comma before the and.  Second is a comma before the and, as it separates the independent clauses.   The above phrase could have been written: Besides, Bigfoot, Nessy and I talked it over.  We voted unanimously that your friend is not real...
Do you see the difference?
(Who would have ever thought I'd get into a punctuation debate on a fish forum?  Certainly not me when I first signed up!  All in fun though!)
az9 said:
See, that's the kind of silliness that RCA was talking about.  
  Raise your game!
i've got nothing to talk about. but i do now... do you think i could put a half inch swordtail in my community tank? winning! :D
Where is it now?
Honestly, if its housed fine for now, I'd let it grow out a bit more.  His future tank mates aren't exactly 'cuddly'.
Here I am stuck at a table with freak of nature people .... WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!! someone help !!!!!!
I just graduated from 8th grade high school here I come! It's bittersweet. A lot of my friends ill never see again....
comocrayfish5 said:
Here I am stuck at a table with freak of nature people .... WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!! someone help !!!!!!
Maybe its all the pets... they expect you to adopt one and take it home with you.  :lol:

Man of fish said:
I just graduated from 8th grade high school here I come! It's bittersweet. A lot of my friends ill never see again....
You better hope you don't end up in my class. 
I can be mean.
it's in an unfiltered 10 gal.

i wanted to get it in the filtered tank asap
I can understand that...  It would be better to wait, if possible.  But, if not - better to have no ammonia issue.  Honestly though, if its alone in the unfiltered 10 gallon, the ammonia will not build up fast.  If you have a spare airstone to throw in the 10 gallon, it will be fine with just 50% water changes daily - this will also remove the hormone that slows growth - so it will grow out faster.
he has been in there all his life and i don't know how long he can make it but i'll start doing a 50% water change daily. he is with about 8 other smaller siblings.
Wow... In that case, you'll need to get some sort of filter - a sponge filter over an airline would be the best option so as to not cause too much current.
Is this a bare bottom tank?  That will help with ammonia, because you can suck up all the excess food and poo easily.
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