Last One To Post Here Wins

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No capital letters mid-sentence, except for proper nouns.
As it's your first offence, I am inclined to be lenient, and therefore ban you from this thread for 2 posts.
And THAT, my friend, is your proof. Oh, yes.
A fair and just ruling.  But, I'm winning. :p
the_lock_man said:
No capital letters mid-sentence, except for proper nouns.
As it's your first offence, I am inclined to be lenient, and therefore ban you from this thread for 2 posts.
And THAT, my friend, is your proof. Oh, yes.
To be fair, an ' and ' should not come after a comma. :p Which means you lose!
TallTree01 said:
No capital letters mid-sentence, except for proper nouns.
As it's your first offence, I am inclined to be lenient, and therefore ban you from this thread for 2 posts.
And THAT, my friend, is your proof. Oh, yes.
To be fair, an ' and ' should not come after a comma.
which means you lose!
Oh TT, when will you learn proper punctuation?

Use a comma + a little conjunction (and, but, for, nor, yet, or, so) to connect two independent clauses, as in "He hit the ball well, but he ran toward third base."
Contending that the coordinating conjunction is adequate separation, some writers will leave out the comma in a sentence with short, balanced independent clauses (such as we see in the example just given). If there is ever any doubt, however, use the comma, as it is always correct in this situation.
You just bought yourself a two page suspension from the thread for an incorrect correction of a mod.  
Furthermore, TallTree, the "w" of which should have been capitalised, as it was indeed the start of a sentence. Increased suspension to 2½ pages.
Non-Aussies are thick when it comes to punctuation. I had forgotten how foreigners disrespected proper punctuation. I reject your ban.

the_lock_man said:
Furthermore, TallTree, the "w" of which should have been capitalised, as it was indeed the start of a sentence. Increased suspension to 2½ pages.
What? It looks capitalized to me. I ban you for 1 1/2 pages.
Perhaps we should change your nationality to Austr-Alien?
I win. You are suspended, not banned.
the_lock_man said:
Perhaps we should change your nationality to Austr-Alien?
I win. You are suspended, not banned.
I would laugh at that ( good one btw ) if I was not too busy fuming over your apparent ignorance.
I reject your rejection, as you were a double violator!  The lack of capitalization went past my initial scan, but TLM found it.   Your suspension stands.  Now, wait your turn like a good "tall" Aussie.
TallTree01 said:
( good one btw )
Why, thank you.

TallTree01 said:
Non-Aussies are thick when it comes to punctuation. I had forgotten how foreigners disrespected proper punctuation. I reject your ban.
Furthermore, TallTree, the "w" of which should have been capitalised, as it was indeed the start of a sentence. Increased suspension to 2½ pages.
What? It looks capitalized to me. I ban you for 1 1/2 pages.
We can all see where it says you edited it.
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